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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: ICE.TCP Pro error messages explained  (Read 23198 times)


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ICE.TCP Pro error messages explained
« on: December 11, 2003, 11:56:42 am »

ICE.TCP.Pro Error Messages

Licensing Errors

Error: Error Accessing Sequence Number from License File

Meaning: Means that during the running of configwizard the Comments field was left blank.
Solution: Put some character(s) in the comments field before continuing configwizard.

Error: Failed to update registry or Failed to save string in registry

Meaning: Means you are using an older version of ICE.TCP.Pro. Generally on a newer Windows OS.
Solution: Update their ICE.TCP.Pro to the current version.

Error: No license information was found for your company in that directory

Meaning: You are out of available licenses. You can check under the User tab in license admin, to see how many you have.

   The directory TCP5_User is not shared with "full access" or this particular user can not write to that directory.

   You are using a mapped drive. With current versions you do not want to use a mapped drive to install ICE.TCP.Pro.

   The path to the licenses folder is incorrect in some way.

Solution: Make sure the above four situations do not exist.

Connection Errors

Error:  Invalid port name or number

Meaning: Means that Telnet Pro did not attempt to use a valid port number to connect via TCP/IP to a host.
Solution: When connecting in Telnet Pro, change the Port value from telnet to "23" if using telnet otherwise change the value to 22 if using SSH (these are default values)

Error:  Winsock: connect failed

Meaning:  Means telnet failed to connect to the host.
Solution: Try connecting with Microsoft Telnet, to the host.
* The hostname or IP is invalid.
* The Windows Networking is not set-up correctly.

Error: Intializing Copy Protection Failed (#, #)

0,2   Meaning: You did not complete configwizard correctly to obtain a valid license.
          Solution(s): Re-Run configwizard. Run configwizard on the admin server by browsing to it, don't map the drive!
    (i.e. Start->Run then type in the admin server machine name, hit enter, find the share TCP5_USER, browse into the TCP-Pro or TCP4-32 directory and double click on configwizard).

104,10022 Meaning: A UDP socket failed to bind. The bind() function returned with an error that says the socket is already bound to an address. This may occur after a program that uses sockets crashes, and you try to restart it. What happens is that a crashed program does not close its sockets properly and if the system does not do a good cleaning up, the next program will try to reuse the socket and can not bind.
     Solution(s): You can wait a few minutes (up to 15) for the system to clean up the dead sockets otherwise the only other solution is to reboot that PC.

101,10047 Meaning: 101 means the program failed to create a UDP socket -- the code 10047 (WSAEAFNOSUPPORT) means "The specified address family is not supported".
      For ICE.TCP Pro the address family that we are trying to create a socket with is AF_INET, the "internet address family". Any winsock service provider must support this AF. It might happen because the your computer had had too many crashes of various programs, etc.
      Reboot the PC.
      Uninstall/Reinstall Winsock.
101, 10106 Meaning: 101 - This means the program failed to create a udp socket. The socket function call failed.

   10106 - this is the error code return by winsock2. This code (WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT) means a layered service provider failed to initialize. The user may be running a layered service provider that does not function correctly with UDP sockets. Or the layered service provider is not installed properly (or not uninstalled properly), and the LSP initialization function can not load the DLL file for the LSP.
      Solution(s): Make sure the LSP supports UDP and that UDP support is NOT disabled.

104,10048 Meaning:
   104 - a call to bind() function failed. The next number gives the reason, which is:
   10048 - WSAEADDRINUSE, "A process on the machine is already bound to the same fully-qualified address and the socket has not been marked to allow address re-use with SO_REUSEADDR."
   * There have been a lot of program crashes prior to seeing this error message.
   * The computer is running out of resources and thus behaving unpredictably.
   * Or there is something wrong with the winsock on the customer's machine.
   * Rebooting the computer.
   * Not starting too many programs.
   * Starting ICE.TCP Pro before starting other programs.
   * Re-install winsock. Do this only as a last resort. Try some other simple TCP/IP programs, such as Microsoft telnet, ping, etc. to verify that the winsock stack is working.

104,10050 Meaning:
        104 - a call to bind() function failed. The reason it failed was indicated by the next number.
          10050 - WSAENETDOWN From documentation on bind() function: "The network subsystem has failed.".
   Microsoft winsock error codes documentation: "Network is down. A socket operation encountered a dead network. This could indicate a serious failure of the network system (i.e. the protocol stack that the WinSock DLL runs over), the network interface, or the local network itself."
     Solution(s): Correct the network configuration in Windows.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2014, 02:47:52 pm by deanna »

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