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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: ICE.TCP PRO FAQ (updated periodically)  (Read 15513 times)


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ICE.TCP PRO FAQ (updated periodically)
« on: December 08, 2003, 12:22:25 pm »

Last update: April 2004

Q.  What is the current version of ICE.TCP.Pro?
A.  The current release version of ICE.TCP.Pro is 5.1.30. You can call Sales/Support to get pricing.

Q. How can I tell what version of ICE.TCP.Pro I am using?
A. If you have the 5.x version of ICE.TCP.Pro installed, you can find your version number. Just open Telnet Pro and then go under the Help section, to Version Information. The list of version numbers here should all match.

Q. Will ICE.TCP.Pro work on Windows XP?
A. You will need version 5.0.81 or higher of ICE.TCP.Pro in order to run on Windows XP. You can obtain the current version via our Web Site, or Mail.

Q. Will ICE.TCP.Pro work on Windows ME and Windows 2000?
A. You will need version 5.0.69 or higher of ICE.TCP.Pro in order to run on Windows ME or Windows 2000. You can obtain the current version via our Web Site, or Mail.

Q. I can't get my Activation Key entered in License Admin.
A. Here are the steps to follow to ensure that your Activation Key installs properly into License Admin.

    1) Your "Company Name" is exactly the same as the name you registered your License for.
    2) You are entering a 24 Letter Activation Key.
    3) Both the Company Name and Activation Key are case sensitive.
    4) When entering the Activation Key manually you may need to put a "space" on either side of the        center dash.
    5) The activation key is all letters. There are "no" numbers.

Q. When I install a User, why can't I find ConfigWizard?
A. The main reason for Configwizard not running, is that you have installed the User from the CD. ICE.TCP.Pro is built to be a network install. So Configwizard is located on the PC that you installed License Admin to. If you are prompted to locate Configwizard, you will want to point to the appropriate directory on your License Admin Server machine.

Q. Why do I have two "TCP5 User" directories?
A. If you have ever updated your License Admin machine from an old version of ICE.TCP.Pro to a newer one, you may end up with two TCP5 User directories. One of them will be called "TCP5 User," and the other will be called "TCP5_User." When doing installs or licensing, you always want to use the "TCP5_User" directory.

Q. I keep getting "Invalid Port Name or Number" when I try to connect with Telnet Pro.
A. You will need to edit the word "Telnet" on the host bar, and change it to the port number you are trying to connect on. The default telnet port is 23.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 10:13:27 am by deanna »

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