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Author Topic: What do people do about extras?  (Read 4168 times)


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What do people do about extras?
« on: December 20, 2015, 02:58:42 pm »

For some movies i extract the extras and make them into movie-files, does anybody do something similar, and if so, how do you handle it on the library? I find it difficult to tag it in a good manner, so it gets sorted usefully in theatre view.


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Re: What do people do about extras?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2015, 03:22:29 pm »

I tag all of my 'moving picture' files with the [Series] field, including movies, television etc.

For TV series, [Name] is the name of the episode and [Series] is the name of the series
For the actual movie files themselves, the name of the movie will go in both [Name] and [Series]
For the extras, the [Name] is the extra type (Making Of / Interview etc) etc and [Series] is the name of the movie (eg Avatar)
  I also tag [Season] as X for extras so that they can be filtered / searched for. Works for both movies and TV shows.

Using [Series] for all video/moving picture type files allows showing mixed views with both Series and Movies.
  Clicking / filtering by a series will then show all of the media for that 'series' including the actual film and extras.

Just my way, but maybe of some help.


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Re: What do people do about extras?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2015, 03:40:25 pm »

I have very, very few extras like this.  But I've just started using Series with the movie name, as the above poster.  I also make a Stack with the movie and it's extra(s).  Stacks are cool!



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Re: What do people do about extras?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2015, 04:08:38 pm »

I don't actually rip extras that often, but I do have a fairly good scheme, I think.

I tag them as:
[Media Sub Type]=[Movie]
[Series] = Movie's Name
[Name] = Movie's Name

Then, I do a Get Movie & TV Info on them to fill in the metadata with, at least, that of the main movie.

After that is done, I change them again so that:
[Name] = The title of the extra, if available, or a generic description of it that I make up.

Sometimes I have this in the Filenames, or sometimes I name them manually by playing them and looking for a "Title Card" kind of thing in the opening credits.

Then, I do a Get Movie & TV Info on them again, one at a time this time, and see if the Extra is actually in the online databases. I've found a surprising number of them are, if you can get the search for the Name of it right. Shorter "making of" things don't usually show up, but sometimes they do if they have a "title".

Anyway, at least they all have metadata that matches the Movie, and some of them might have more.

Then, I apply:

You can now do this while preserving the existing Genres from the lookup, which is nice, by tagging them in the Panes and holding Control down as you check the box.

Then, I have my regular Movies View set up with the following Files To Show filter:
Code: [Select]
And I made a special Media View just for Extras that searches for:
Code: [Select]
[Media Sub Type]=[Movie] [Genre]=[Extras] ~sort=[Series],[Episode],[Name]
It has [Series] as the Category in my Media Views for this, so you can browse them by "Movie" in Theater View and whatnot. If you're real into it, you can add Cover Art manually by searching for the movie's name on Google Images.
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Re: What do people do about extras?
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2015, 02:39:27 am »

I put the movie name in the "Name" field, and I made a field called "Installment" that I also use for all of my movies.
Most of the time the value for installment is either "Part 1" or "Disc 1"
When there are multiple discs, or when a movie is split in two for some reason, I will also use "Part 2" and Disc 2".
When I have extras I typically call them something like "Part 1 Main Movie", "Part 2 Extras", "Part 3 Extras, etc.
Or "Part 1 Main Movie", "Part 2 Interview with Stanley", "Part 3 Making of Movie", etc.
All installments have the same value for the "Name" Field.
It is important that the installment of the main movie is first in alphabetical order so it is played first if all are selected to play at the same time.


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Re: What do people do about extras?
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2015, 04:54:29 pm »

Thanks for the tips, I think I like the "series"-idea, I can combine that with having for instance all the die-hard-movies in a "die hard" series. But a simple question, how do you tag the series? Can you get it to copy the series from the name when you use the "get tv info"-function?
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