So you should not need the "command line arguments", except to specify a different length for duration " -d"
I totally agree that we should not need to specify -D and -o and Bartman01 should not either..Question is why do we need to? In my case I can understand as I run 2 profiles and mc2xml may get confused but why it is not required for you but required for Bartman01 is a mystery...
SO for some unknown reason I need to enter the -o and the -D and if I don't with the 2 profiles it will use the .dat files from the first profile that just ran and will output the xmltv.xml file in the first one as well when ran in MC...
If I run mc2xml as a standalone outside of MC it grabs the .dat file in the folder and will output the xmltv.xml in that same folder. That is what I mean by default and is working correctly.
And I also now get your previous question 2)
![Smiley :)](
I'm running full commandlines for 2 reasons:
1) getting 21 days of data (-d 504) AND getting rid of some unwanted channels in the data (-C mc2xml.chl)
2) the second one (which should not be required...) is to specify the path of mc2xml.dat and xmltv.xml (-D and -o respectively). Even though in the same default folder of the mcm2xml.exe I need to specify them in order for it to work properly in MC. I can reproduce this issue 100% of the time.
Again I insist that this is not an issue for me...Although it would be nice to fully understand what's going on...I don't really need to... If it isn't broken, don't fix it!!!