My sense (maybe just a hunch) is that MC has three types of "standard" -- AKA built-in -- fields/tags
INDUSTRY STANDARD -- Fields that are also built into other major media players/managers, such as Windows Media Player, iPod, etc. Presumably, the data type, size and purpose of such fields are de-facto standards. (And perhaps actually defined somewhere...). So it is prudent to have these in MC too. But note that there have been various efforts to define tags, different ID standards that aren't consistently consistent. So even some "industry standard" fields might be debatable.
J.RIVER STANDARD -- Fields that JR "invented" in earlier versions of Media Center or even Media Jukebox, in use so long that they are retained for cross-version consistency, even if not reliably recognized outside of MC.
USER JUMP-START -- Fields that JR added to MC to help users get going with the major media types MC is intended to handle, mainly music, photos, DVD and TV. There seem to be more of these with each MC version, so the standard library fields list is now quite long.
If this is more or less correct...
It seems reasonable that MC contains INDUSTRY STANDARD fields. However, all MC needs to do is store these fields in media files (MP3 etc) in a standard fashion. There can be wider variation within MC itself, since MC's data format is proprietary. I think some of this already happens, where MC stores certain data in STANDARD tags and also in proprietary tags. Assuming Rating (what started this thread) is such a field, it still could be somewhat flexible within MC, but forced into standard format/number range when put into an MP3 tag.
It seems helpful that MC by default contains JR-STANDARD fields. But it's a gray area to clutter up newer versions with older version fields that might no longer be truly useful. But perhaps I'm wrong and this doesn't happen.
JUMP-START fields are highly debatable and should be user-controllable, because (I'm assuming) they are just in MC to help users realize what kind of tags they might want to use for certain media. Say a use of MC is subtype video, to manage TV shows -- lots of tags might be used by someone who really cares about episodes and actors and similar. But say MC is instead used for Home Videos -- the useful tags are essentially the same as for still photos, not TV or movies. And does a photo library need Beats-Per-Minute? (I know, some fields can sort-of be hidden based on media type, but that's a different can of worms.) Maybe such tags could be truly optional, perhaps offered as templates the user can select to have MC add them without lots of typing, but otherwise they behave as custom fields.]
One improved approach might be:
- MC identifies the different classes of fields/tags, perhaps by grouping or color-coding.
- INDUSTRY STANDARD tags are always in MC's library, but whether fully locked is debatable (per-tag debate -- what aspect must be locked?)
- J.R STANDARD tags are in the library by default but can be excluded by the user (grayed-out...) so they don't appear in view designs, etc. Possibly they can be deleted, with a caution about breaking backward compatibility.
- JUMPSTART tags are not in the library by default, but can be added by the user from templates. THEN they can be modified by the user individually, including change in datatype, display characteristics, even deleted. Same idea as visualizations, etc.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
Back to discussing the Ratings field
, I originally requested that MC 15's UI be made a tad more consistent by making the Rating Stars field behave like other fields, requiring two steps to change its data -- click IN, then TYPE -- to avoid inadvertent, unnoticed data change/LOSS that happen now when simply clicking ON the field.
This request led to the field locking debate, because one way to accomplish this is to allow Rating to directly (rather than via tricks) be instead shown as the underlying integer, thereby editable in exactly the same way as all other "text" fields. Same Rating integer data, just an alternative way to display and edit it.
If it seems "unnatural" that the Rating value of 0 to 5 might be shown as an integer rather than set of Stars, that restriction seems unnatural. MC accepts dates but it doesn't force them to appear as embedded calendar pages. Recording Duration isn't shown as a stopwatch. Etc.