Hi Matt,
Here's one scenario I use which doesn't "work" right now:
Tab 1 contains Playing Now
Tab 2 contains my voting view and references the currently playing track (using isplaying() )to display it's data.
The idea is that Tab 1 shows the current playlist and then I can flick to Tab 2 to vote for the current track (that view displays the current playing track along with other tracks by the same artist to aid getting an accurate vote).
When the track changes, Tab 1 Playing Now automatically updates and highlights the next track. Tab 2 remains static with whatever data was present last time it was refreshed. Only when I hit refresh does it update to show the information for the currently playing track...
I do notice, however, that if both tabs show Now Playing views, they both update... so it seems Playing Now views know to update themselves, but other views do not???
Essentially I would like all tabs to be refreshed when tracks change so that they update themselves to work with the logic of isplaying() that I am using and reflect data for the currently playing track without my intervention...
Does that make sense???