Thanks again Gab, Alex, I will go look there, thanks.
Usually playing with software, I can figure out how to do things, but this software is very confusing as there seem to be many things named similarly, like "view"
which could mean
the way the whole interface looks (skin)
the way info is displayed, theatre vs standard vs mini view etc
the way the interface is layed out with panels etc
the way each panel looks/is sorted etc
so when you choose to customise view, you seem to be able to choose the order info is sorted, but then you can do that, separately in each panel using the pull down menu.
In the "fred view" gab made, I cant seem to move the nice thumbnails gab made up to the top panel and have tracklist below. The biggest problem is fiddling for hours does not take me closer to understanding the larger concept of HOW and WHAT each thing does.
perhaps its the naming conventions, giving things very different names IMO would make all this easier to use/understand... important because newbies like myself are far more likely to spread the word enthusiastically if the user experience is a pleasant one. By and large it is, but I am finding things like this frustratingly confusing.
I will report back