Do you really think that most users of MC know what plugins exist? Do you think they know where to find them? Do you think that mast MC users today use Plugins? I have a very hard time believing that. Most users are not MC nutcases like us, and does not frequent this forums every day.
I wish you would read what I post. As I've said several times, this system would be completely apart from, and have nothing to do with the existing plugin system. It would, from a user perspective, be part of the main program. Many of the reasons I'm suggesting that are exactly the same as those you cite. Finding, installing and configuring plugins is too complicated a solution for most users. It's limiting for advanced users as well. We have to wait for scarce user-developers to create the necessary plugins, and then hope they have the interest and resources to maintain them. This would be extremely difficult for a scraping plugin because it would have to keep up which changes on both sides—MC and the target site. I'm sure
AutoMeta is viable only because it's using stable API's on the target side. Those aren't available in most cases, and the data can only be obtained by scraping.
Scripts, on the other hand, are easy to create, maintain, install and use. The system could even download them and keep them up-to-date, but I'm not recommending that. An important part of the idea is the scripts belong to the user, and it's the user who's doing the scraping. Also, many users would want the ability to modify or tweak scripts created by others to suit their own needs.
Using this system could be as simple as specifying that [Media Subtype]=[Movie] are updated with a
TheMovieDb script and [Media Subtype]=[TV Show] are updated with a
TheTVDb script. Set it and forget it. But it could be configured to use an alternate script for movies that don't exist at
TheMovieDb. To replace inconsistent user-provided movie descriptions with professional ones from
AllMovie. And assuming there will be a way to use them, to get fan art from an alternate site if
TheTVDb has none. Again, all this would be fully automatic. Set it and forget it.
Except for Series and Season meta data. There is just no relation DB options in MC to handle single text or graphics for multiple items like episodes or tracks with music.
It was quite a while ago, but I believe JRiver did indicate this would be addressed. In the meantime, the simple workaround of using dummy files to represent series and seasons works well in the existing framework. Views can be configured to display series, then seasons, then episodes, with different cover art associated with each level. That, of course, takes a little effort to set up and is not as slick as "built-in" special handling might be. But it's easy enough to do to suggest a user not doing it is really not that interested.
The two DB's mentioned above might not be the perfect candidates for all of this, but I'm sure it takes many users a long way of giving them a great view for their Series and Movies.
That's the whole point. What you're suggesting would take most users about 2/3 of the way. And about half of that would be annoyingly inconsistent and—in many cases—the data is just plain crappy. The biggest issue is with the user-provided descriptions and reviews. Perhaps I'm fussy, but I really don't want to import bad grammar and idiotic opinions into my living room. More importantly, your suggestion offers no solution to this—other than the status quo of using other third party plugins. So if that's "good enough," why not just use
The implications of this go way beyond getting meta data for files on your HDD. Owned media is rapidly becoming less relevant. If MC does not evolve from a "media manager" to more of an "information manager," it's going to die. I believe a robust, generalize tool for associating library records with online data (whether by importing, or simply linking) is essential if MC is going to remain relevant.