This is kind of new to me, and it may rather been posted at the media network forum, but anyway.
I have noticed skip and seek does not work neither when using Gizmo, WebGizmo or streaming directly to a remote MC installation. This is true for music and my ripped movies. I have all my blurays and dvds ripped into mkv, and they all work well locally. THe music is stored as flac.
THe Media Network settings will convert audio if necessary (whatever that means) to high bandwidth mp3. Video conversion is set to MP4 720p.
It seems that MC is not able to recognize the true length of a media file, and the playback time bar fills up and stays at 100%.
This means I am only able to play a file from start to stop. It seems video loads with chapter information, and the right-click and "Jump to" list is populated but does not work.
I would definitely prefer the remote playback to have the same functionality as local playback. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a known issue in MC?
I have tested both MC17 and 18 (.048), same result.