I recently snapped up several X10 VCR Commander/motion detector combos on clearance at $5 a pop. These come with a motion detector (normally $15 each) which sends an X10 RF signal to the VCR commander unit (normally ~$20) to send a learned IR signal, and then another learned signal a preprogrammed time later. The idea was originally to start a VCR recording a camera input if motion were detected outside. Nowadays they use it to turn on the TV to give the impression someone's home. My intended use was for other reasons to create macros to turn on IR gear in response to X10 signals that were sent via HTTP commands using my iPhone/iPad/PC/Android tablet. I also wanted to get the motion detectors anyway, so these combos were a real bargain.
I've since decided to go with iRule and this thing is awesome for home automation! I will eventually be controlling MC with it. I've managed to get navigation controls working, but not playback controls. I will start another thread detailing my progress as it becomes more complete.
The combos I got would theoretically allow MC to start playing automatically anytime you stepped into your bathroom/shower, and continue to play until you left!