I was wondering if you had any suggestions about sending DoP to my new DAC, as I'm just used to setting up WASAPI for PCM via HDMI.
When I first got it, I thought it was silent when switching between DSD and PCM, but it seems that it is only silent some of the time.
Sometimes it's perfectly silent when starting or stopping DSD playback, other times it makes a click when starting, when stopping, or both.
Kernel Streaming clicks every time, and ASIO clicks maybe 50-75% of the time.
WASAPI seems to be less likely to click (maybe 25% of the time) as long as the Play a little silence on DoP stop option is enabled. Otherwise it seems to happen about as often as ASIO.
For some reason, this option also seems to help with removing the click as the start of playback, not just the end.
And even with that option enabled, sometimes it will click as soon as I press the stop button, before it has finished playing silence. (I assume - because the stop button is still in the "active" state)
I'm also a bit unsure about setting ASIO buffers. There are the buffer settings inside Media Center, which default to 500ms. (which seems huge)
There's also the Use large hardware buffers option, which doesn't appear to do anything here, and I can't find any information about what it's supposed to do on the Wiki.
In the ASIO driver panel, I also have options for USB Streaming Mode, and ASIO Buffer Size.
It seems that as long as I set the ASIO Buffer Size (from 64 to 8192 samples) to the minimum setting recommended for the current USB Streaming Mode (from "minimum latency" to "extra safe") in the driver, it doesn't make a difference whether I set Media Center's buffer to 5 seconds or 0.02 seconds. (20ms)
Because it doesn't seem to be consistent, I am unclear on whether this buffer size is impacting the frequency of clicks when starting or stopping DoP.
And as long as I have Streaming Mode set to "Safe" or "Extra Safe" (which require a minimum of 4096/8192 sample buffers for 192kHz, respectively) CPU load doesn't seem to impact playback at all. (for example analyzing 4 multichannel DSD tracks at the same time, which causes my mouse cursor to start skipping around)
Are there any recommendations for this, or is it just "figure out what works" ?