Tried Doctor Who this morning and it works perfect, very cool, but got some questions:
1. I notice by other people's playlists they have a custom icon , I just have the default one with the music note, how can I change it?
2. I notice under other people's playlists it lists some of the songs or artists in the playlist (taking about the lists on the left), mine doesn't have any, how come, does someone have to download it and play it first before the song titles are shown?
3. Is there a Doctor Who website where I can make the changes I am talking about above?
4. When people download my list or just lists in general is it going to say somewhere how many times it has been downloaded and can ratings be applied to people's playlists?
5. I noticed that the songs on the playlist that I dont have on my computer will only play for 30 seconds as a sample from the performer store, understand that part, is there some kind of a performer account I could get that would play the full songs and still wouldn't have to pay for them or is it basically 30 second samples or buy and nothing else?
Programming Note : please look for my alternative playlist I uploaded, it has 30 alternative tracks in it, all my playlists are overall comps I have made from my long sought after collection.
Hope to see more people using this service, it is kind of a cross between pandora and microsofts groove music app that allows sharing of playlists though I haven't tested that out fully yet.