Serial Products > ICE-TEN

ice.ten os compatibility-earlier version


is v4.1(AIX) compatible w/ XP?  Is upgrade to 4.7 required?


--- Quote from: dsanders on March 17, 2004, 03:11:21 pm ---is v4.1(AIX) compatible w/ XP?  Is upgrade to 4.7 required?

--- End quote ---
The 3151 terminal type (which is what you should be using for AIX) is fine with XP but if you are using a 16 bit version of ICE-TEN you could run into trouble with XP and a 32 bit (4.7) version is recommended. See the topic "Version Information" for help on figuring out what ICE version you currently have.

Note that AIX 4.1 support has been discontinued by IBM and there are many security flaws in that version. If the AIX machine is in any way connected to the internet you should update to version 4.3.3. Check with IBM for more info.


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