TCP/IP Products > TCP-PRO

Tips and Tricks

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The keymapping file in the 5.1 PRO client can't handle the return (enter, 13 decimal, 0D hex) code properly.

Enter each CR as a CR/LF pair. This will be translated to a bare CR when sent.

For example, to send "hi" then 2 CR's then "mom" then another CR. In the parameters section of the key you are trying to program in the keymap editor, do:


(control codes are sent by putting in a \ followed by the code in hexadecimal)

Start->Run type in regedit and hit enter.
Find HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->J. River
Right click on the J.River folder and export it. Call it jriver and save it to the desktop.
Take the resulting jriver.reg to another computer and just double-click on it. It will import all settings to the new computer!


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