TCP/IP Products > TCP-PRO

Tips and Tricks

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This is an example of a simple ICELP script that does text printing (converts Unix style end of lines to printer style end of lines)

There are also some comments in here for binary only printing as well (for example, if you are printing postscript or graphics)

Follow this link to download it

Also, make sure you pull this directly to your unix machine or if you use a windows machine and then move it to a unix machine, make sure both ftp transfers are binary. After transferring to the unix machine, use uncompress to uncompress the file.

For info on installing print spool files for ICELP on systems not covered in the manual, see the ICELP section on the support page:

If you have version > 5.1.0 you can see what sequence number your PC is using.

Only attempt this if you are familar with the use of regedit.
Run regedit and go to:


The sequence number is TempUserID
The value will look something like 0x000014 (20)
In this example, 20 is the decimal value of the sequence number.
Obviously, it should match the machine info in that user slot reported by LicenseAdmin.
This is a read-only key, changing it does NOT change the sequence number.

The default port for icelpd is 2346.

If you are logged into the unix machine you can do a couple of quick tests to see if you have installed icelpd properly.

First type:

icelpd -c

you should get back:

                Icelpd - ICE.TCP Print Server.
                Version 4.07b.
                By Roman Oliynyk.
                (C) 1994 James River Group, INC.
                All rights reserved.

Then try:

telnet 2346

if you get "connection refused" you do not have icelpd installed in the inetd or xinetd config files properly. See the manual for more info.

if you get a connection you can try typing in:


and hit ENTER

you should get back


If you don't you still don't have icelp installed properly, check the
manual for more info.

> >
> > How do I tell Telnet Pro to use Port 1234?

There is a fluke in the edit Host List box (the grid with all the hosts and all the host fields) that prevents a user from entering a new port value. To enter a port value that has never been used (on that machine), connect once by typing in the host name in the host box on the main window, and typing in the new port value in the box to the right of host box (and the SSH check box); the one that usually has the value "telnet." After connecting once this way, the new port value will be available in the pull down box when editing any host's port value in the edit Host List.


--- Quote ---Is anyone able to assist me with creating Global Profiles.
When I create the required profile and export it with g_ into the TCP5 Directory TelNet Pro is not detecting these profiles automatically.
I can however go to import profile and select the newly created Global Profile and it imports OK.

--- End quote ---

You need to copy the g_  file to the program directory for each machine (after the normal installation).

Here are the complete instructions and caveats:

Here's how to use global properties:

1. Create the profiles to be made global.

2. Save (Export?) them to a file or files with a "g_" prefix and a ".cfg" extension. (The profile name(s) inside do not necessarily match the file name.)

3. Copy the file(s) to the Pro program directory in every machine you want them to load. The program will load the user's profile first, then load the profiles from any "g_*.cfg" file in the program directory.

*-The program will siliently overwrite any user's profile whose name matches a global profile (including 'default' profile).-*

An administrator can deter users from modifying the global profiles by fiddling with the global file's properties (ie. read-only, hidden, permission flags, etc), or  by restricting the program directory.


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