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Pro 5.1.30 Released


Version 5.1.30 of TCP.Pro has been released.  ICE.TCP Pro no longer supports versions of Windows older than 2k.  This includes version 4.4.

Changes in both versions 5.1 & 4.4 include:
   Allows users to change their password in SSH when expired using the SSH password changing protocol.
   Ability to do copy/paste formatted or un-formatted.

Changes in DejaWinT version 4.4 include:
   Updated Command bar compatibility with Windows 7.
   ICETCP.INI file is stored in Local profile instead of Windows directory**

Compiled with current version of dev

**When updating a 4.4 user, TCP files need to be moved.  Open C:\WINDOWS (you may want to sort files by type) and highlight ICETCP.INI, dejawinb.ini, dejakey.dat and dejamap.dat, then copy the highlighted files to:  C:\Documents & Settings\(User Name)\Application Data\ICE  -or-  C:\Users\(User Name)\AppData\Roaming\ICE


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