Please redirect me to the correct form, I'm new here and I don't know if this is where to post for
DejaVu TCP ICETCP 4.4 32 bit 4.4.28
Emulation Version: 7.10a/32
Windows Interface Version: 8.5
I want to VPN into the network and use ICE to get into the Unix server.
My own router gives me an address of
I can use the Cisco QuickVPN_Client_1421 to connect to the network where the server resides.
I then have access to the 192.168.0.x network.
I start ICE.TCP and it gives me an error becuase it doesn't like the two networks (let's put two bugs in a jar and shake it up and see if they fight)!
Fatal ICE.TCP configuration error 888.
Please contact your system administrator.
This message was generated due to a conflict between and
with sequence number 1
This DejaWinT session will be closed in approximately 1 minute.
I'm emulating a Wyse60, 8, none, 0
Host tab: Auto Select, Auto Connect, port 23, init string 00