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Author Topic: Screens keep freezing and disapearring  (Read 1889 times)


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Screens keep freezing and disapearring
« on: May 26, 2004, 09:49:40 pm »

I am running ICE TCP/IP Pro on a network.
We upgraded from ICE TCP/IP to ICE TCP/IP Pro a few years
I have a 25 user license of which I'm using 15.

My problems started when over time as people upgraded
computers the way ICE/TCP Pro tracks the users with
LicenseAdmin several users had multiple sequence numbers
assigned to them.

Let me backup one step.

All syatems had been working fine, I had not added any new
users recently. One of the users complained that he could
not get on the Unix system.

When I checked it out I found he was registered in the
LicenseAdmin but all of the licenses had been issued.
so I deleted several users not with the company and users
with multiple sequence #'s. He still not log on.

I deleated him and reinstalled him. He was able to get on
but I started to get complaints of people loosing their
terminal screens and an error message about the same
sequense # being used by another computer.

I chased my tail for awhile deleating and reinstalling users
in an attempet to clean-up the sequence #'s until I only had
a problem with two people.

I deleated them and reinstalled them several times. I
downloaded 5.1.21 and deleated and reinstalled them and
things seamed to be ok for about a week.

Now they have been having problems for about a week.

User A is running XP Pro and ICE/TCP Pro &  ICELP.

User B is running Win98 and ICE/TCP Pro.

User B will be working with one or more screens open. One of
the screens will freeze, turn white, and disappear.
At this time User A will get an ERROR Message:

Unix Host does not reply              (Note
The host ip address is correct)
or wrong Socket Number 2346 for ICELPD
Terminating ICELP

I have move both onto different switches and swapped cables
the problem stays with them.

I hope you can assist. I have been happy with your software
scince 1996.

But I'm about ready to look at other software if this can't
be resolved quickly.

I think you made some change in haw it tracks sequence
numbers that is messing things up.



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Screens keep freezing and disapearring
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2004, 10:27:12 am »

I am running ICE TCP/IP Pro on a network.
We upgraded from ICE TCP/IP to ICE TCP/IP Pro a few years
I have a 25 user license of which I'm using 15.

My problems started when over time as people upgraded
computers the way ICE/TCP Pro tracks the users with
LicenseAdmin several users had multiple sequence numbers
assigned to them.

Let me backup one step.

All syatems had been working fine, I had not added any new
users recently. One of the users complained that he could
not get on the Unix system.

When I checked it out I found he was registered in the
LicenseAdmin but all of the licenses had been issued.
so I deleted several users not with the company and users
with multiple sequence #'s. He still not log on.

I deleated him and reinstalled him. He was able to get on
but I started to get complaints of people loosing their
terminal screens and an error message about the same
sequense # being used by another computer.

I chased my tail for awhile deleating and reinstalling users
in an attempet to clean-up the sequence #'s until I only had
a problem with two people.

I deleated them and reinstalled them several times. I
downloaded 5.1.21 and deleated and reinstalled them and
things seamed to be ok for about a week.

We want to do two things here to start with. First make sure everyone is on the same version. You do NOT want to mix 5.0 clients and 5.1 clients. So update the licenseadmin portion to 5.1.21. Backup a copy of the license, print them out for extra safety if you don't have them on hard copy already.

Install the new 5.1.21 admin portion over the top of the existing one on your licenseadmin machine. Delete all of the users! Do NOT do any manual entries of users into licenseadmin.

Next, update all of the client PC's. Preferably do them ALL or minimally make sure that anyone with less than 5.0.81 get's done. (help->version info in pro).
Update those clients by doing a net install. BROWSE to TCP5_USER on the admin machine from the client PC and run setup.exe. At the end you will ONLY need a sequence number, NOT a configuration profile.
If you DIDN'T update some clients because they already had a version >5.0.81 then you will need to re-run configwizard on them. Do that by BROWSING to the TCP-USER share then into TCP-Pro (if running the pro client) and run configwizard.exe.

Whan you are all done updating the clients you should have a nice clean list of them in the users tab in licenseadmin.

Now they have been having problems for about a week.

User A is running XP Pro and ICE/TCP Pro &  ICELP.

User B is running Win98 and ICE/TCP Pro.

User B will be working with one or more screens open. One of
the screens will freeze, turn white, and disappear.
At this time User A will get an ERROR Message:

Unix Host does not reply              (Note
The host ip address is correct)
or wrong Socket Number 2346 for ICELPD
Terminating ICELP

The above error is an ICELP error unrelated to licensing. If the user is NOT running ICELP then take the ICELP program out of their startup folder. If the user IS running ICELP check to make sure it's settings are correct.

I have move both onto different switches and swapped cables
the problem stays with them.

I hope you can assist. I have been happy with your software
scince 1996.

But I'm about ready to look at other software if this can't
be resolved quickly.

I think you made some change in haw it tracks sequence
numbers that is messing things up.

The sequence number changes occurred after 5.0.80 because the introduction of XP forced us to make some registry changes.


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Screens keep freezing and disapearring
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2004, 02:55:47 pm »

The XP machines that was looseing screens seems to be working now after deleting all of the James River programs and reinstalling.

On the 98 machine it still locks up, the screen turns white and drops off.

I have reinstalled over the top many times and have deleted all the James River program and reinstalled 5.1.21.

The system will work from a few min. to several days.

I thought that there may have been some conflict due to the Lic Admin reissuing the same sequence number so after deliting that user I reserved that number before reinstalling the software and pulling a new sequence number.

This seamed to work for a few days then the problem pops up again.
and gets worse. Loosing screens sometimes as you launch one sometimes after a few min. somtimes after a few hours.

This issue is very frustrating and disruptive. This machine is in our service department and accesses our dynamic dispatch system with your software.
It is very hard to do this when you keep loosing screens.

Also there is something screwed-up with the Print screen in 5.1.21.

It now does not print the screen but prints everything contained in the scroll bar the is not in view.

This is often the Message of the Day splash screen which I do not want to print when I use the print screen. Your 5.1.whatever before I installed did not work this way.


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Screens keep freezing and disapearring
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2004, 05:31:00 pm »

The XP machines that was looseing screens seems to be working now after deleting all of the James River programs and reinstalling.

On the 98 machine it still locks up, the screen turns white and drops off.

I have reinstalled over the top many times and have deleted all the James River program and reinstalled 5.1.21.

The system will work from a few min. to several days.

So EVERY machine on the network using ICE is now using a 5.1.21?
Is the licenseadmin server on 5.1.21 as well? You can't use an old license server with the new stuff.
I thought that there may have been some conflict due to the Lic Admin reissuing the same sequence number so after deliting that user I reserved that number before reinstalling the software and pulling a new sequence number.

This seamed to work for a few days then the problem pops up again.
and gets worse. Loosing screens sometimes as you launch one sometimes after a few min. somtimes after a few hours.

This issue is very frustrating and disruptive. This machine is in our service department and accesses our dynamic dispatch system with your software.
It is very hard to do this when you keep loosing screens.

You do NOT have to uninstall the old versions before updating.

You should not have to do ANY manual  reserving of sequence numbers.

Please just make sure the version on the license server is updated to 5.1.21.

Remove all of the users in the licenseadmin.

Do a network install to each of the PC's which will run configwizard at the end and get the user a fresh sequence number.

Do ALL of the client PC's, not just some of them.

Make sure ALL of the client PC's are running 5.1.21 when you are finished. (help->version info)

After installing you can SEE what sequence number a machine is using by looking in the registry using regedit.
The last line in this folder is
that is the value of the sequence number the machine is using. You CANNOT change it you can only view it. This is only valid in versions past 5.1.19 which is another reason I want you to get them all on the same version.


Also there is something screwed-up with the Print screen in 5.1.21.

It now does not print the screen but prints everything contained in the scroll bar the is not in view.

This is often the Message of the Day splash screen which I do not want to print when I use the print screen. Your 5.1.whatever before I installed did not work this way.

It's printing the whole buffer, we will fix that in the next version. In the meantime do a right mouse click in the telnetpro screen area and user the print->print screen function in there.

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