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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: Licensing question on an existing network.  (Read 1163 times)


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Licensing question on an existing network.
« on: June 03, 2005, 04:10:03 pm »

Hello, I will try to make this as simple as possible.

We have an existing network which has been running ICE.TCP Pro Version 5.0 for a while now with multiple users and is still working fine for all my other users.

What happened is one of my PC's was sriously infected with spyware beyond repair. What we did to simplify things is we cloned over the hard drive with norton ghost from an identical machine (same brand, specs, software, etc) and changed the system and network information (PC name, tcp/ip settings, etc)

Which works, we are in the network, can surf, etc. But this unit and the one we used to clone conflict with each other when running ice tcp at the same time due to the licensing.

I read through other posts on hre how to run ConfigWizard to generate a new license code for the unit, but when I went to run it, I found that PC that was the host for that program no longer exists in my network. Someone decided to at some point either dispose of it, or just formatted and reloaded it from scratch.

So right now I have no machine with configwizard to re-license this machine.

I did however make a clone of the hard drive of the PC with the spyware issues before we cloned over it.

So my question is:
     1) Is there a way to pull a license file from the clone I have and replace it on my unit to get it to not conflict with machine we used for the clone.


     2) Do I have to pick another PC to put ICE.tcp pro onto as the host machine and re-license all of my pc's in the network?

I'd like to avoid option 2 if possible at it seems like alot of un-necissary work to re-license one PC when the rest of my network and ice.tcp clients are working just fine.

I appreciate any help or answers in advance, and I thank you for your time.

Ed Larson


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Licensing question on an existing network.
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2005, 09:24:20 am »

Hello, I will try to make this as simple as possible.

We have an existing network which has been running ICE.TCP Pro Version 5.0 for a while now with multiple users and is still working fine for all my other users.

What happened is one of my PC's was sriously infected with spyware beyond repair. What we did to simplify things is we cloned over the hard drive with norton ghost from an identical machine (same brand, specs, software, etc) and changed the system and network information (PC name, tcp/ip settings, etc)

Which works, we are in the network, can surf, etc. But this unit and the one we used to clone conflict with each other when running ice tcp at the same time due to the licensing.

I read through other posts on hre how to run ConfigWizard to generate a new license code for the unit, but when I went to run it, I found that PC that was the host for that program no longer exists in my network. Someone decided to at some point either dispose of it, or just formatted and reloaded it from scratch.

So right now I have no machine with configwizard to re-license this machine.

I did however make a clone of the hard drive of the PC with the spyware issues before we cloned over it.

So my question is:
     1) Is there a way to pull a license file from the clone I have and replace it on my unit to get it to not conflict with machine we used for the clone.
You could try restoring the entire Program Files->Jriver folder and all of the registry entries for J.River under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

     2) Do I have to pick another PC to put ICE.tcp pro onto as the host machine and re-license all of my pc's in the network?
This really is the preferred method since you will probably have to replace another machine sooner or later anyway.
I'd like to avoid option 2 if possible at it seems like alot of un-necissary work to re-license one PC when the rest of my network and ice.tcp clients are working just fine.
If you simply keep a copy of the licenses folder from the license server on a floppy or usb drive you have a nice small backup of your licenses.
I appreciate any help or answers in advance, and I thank you for your time.

Ed Larson


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Licensing question on an existing network.
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2005, 12:41:44 pm »

Just thought i'd post the follow up.

Solution 1 worked, transfering the program files and directory as well as exporting and importing the registry keys did bring that PC's id number back to what it was, and allowed for both PC's to be on at the same time again.

We are going to do solution 2 anyways, we just need to coordinat a time for that, this was one of those emergency situtations that needed to be taken care of right away to get us back up for now.

Thank you for your fast response and dead on answer.


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Licensing question on an existing network.
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2005, 01:32:29 pm »

Glad it worked for you. I think it's good you will be doing the long term solution. Check other posts here to make sure you don't have trouble with mixed versions (i.e. older and newer than 5.0.81)

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