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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: dup seq #'s continued  (Read 1172 times)


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dup seq #'s continued
« on: January 31, 2005, 02:36:01 pm »

I have discovered why there is a duplication of sequence numbers on the PCs.
On the admin machine there was a problem with the hard drive so we had to replace it. SO I had to manually add in the computer names and their sequence numbers. I had forgotten what sequence the computers numbers were previously, so I mixed up those two machines. So on the admin program I have the one PC with sequence number 3 but looking at regedit on that machine it displays sequence number 4. Both the PCs are at remote sites and a bit difficult to bring in the machine to re configure. To make things easier for me can I go into regedit and change the sequence number to be like the one on my admin program?


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dup seq #'s continued
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2005, 03:20:41 pm »

You can't change the value in the registry. It's only a reflection of the stored sequence number.

You need to remove the 2 conflicting computers from licenseadmin on the license server and put configwizard and the license folder from the licenseadmin server on a floppy (for example) and run configwizard on each of the machines that have conflicting sequence numbers. It is NOT a good idea to manually enter users, it's too easy to make a mistake. Let configwizard do it.

If you need more info, see the myriad of other posts here dealing with configwizard, floppies, remote installs, etc.

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