1. Changes to the default profile are not reflected in applications using the OCX. I just thought about rebooting - maybe the OCX only reads the default profile once.
2. Using the code below that swaps the ColorEntryTerminal makes Dejavu ANSI terminal emulation behave like other emulators that my users seem to like.
// long l0 = m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (0);
long l1 = m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (1);
long l2 = m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (2);
long l3 = m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (3);
long l4 = m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (4);
long l5 = m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (5);
long l6 = m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (6);
long l7 = m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (7);
// m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (0, m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (
m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (1, m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry ( 9));
m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (2, m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (10));
m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (3, m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (11));
m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (4, m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (12));
m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (5, m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (13));
m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (6, m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (14));
// m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (7, m_ac1.GetColorTableEntry (15));
// m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry ( 8, l0);
m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry ( 9, l1);
m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (10, l2);
m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (11, l3);
m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (12, l4);
m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (13, l5);
m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (14, l6);
// m_ac1.SetColorTableEntry (15, l7);