TCP/IP Products > TCP-PLUS

Default keymapping for non-pc style terminals

<< < (3/3)

Correct the scanner output is 1D hex, and yes as if were being typed into the keyboard into the emulator.  That woulld be typed as ALT + 029. 
Yes I want to send 1D hex to the unix app.  Note:  ALT + 029 when typed on the keyboard also does nothing.  Is not recognized.  Not sure if that is helpful, but bringing it up in case it is.


--- Quote from: cbatton on October 05, 2020, 12:31:15 pm ---Correct the scanner output is 1D hex, and yes as if were being typed into the keyboard into the emulator.  That woulld be typed as ALT + 029. 
Yes I want to send 1D hex to the unix app.  Note:  ALT + 029 when typed on the keyboard also does nothing.  Is not recognized.  Not sure if that is helpful, but bringing it up in case it is.

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So it won't be a map in, that comes from the unix side.
I would expect either map out or maybe a keymap would work.
I'd think crtl-] should generate that character from the keyboard, if not it could be that your unix side is silently digesting it.

Thanks for the help here.  I did get a successful result with ctrl -] creating the ^] character at the login screen.  I am however unable to get the ^] character to appear via a scan of the data matrix barcode at the login screen.  Is there a way to perhaps use key mapping or some other means to get the ^] character to appear at the login screen via scanning the 2D barcode?  I'm able to get this to appear via the putty emulator, but I really prefer using DejaWinT if at all possible.  Thanks,


--- Quote from: cbatton on October 13, 2020, 09:20:17 am ---Thanks for the help here.  I did get a successful result with ctrl -] creating the ^] character at the login screen.  I am however unable to get the ^] character to appear via a scan of the data matrix barcode at the login screen.  Is there a way to perhaps use key mapping or some other means to get the ^] character to appear at the login screen via scanning the 2D barcode?  I'm able to get this to appear via the putty emulator, but I really prefer using DejaWinT if at all possible.  Thanks,

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Since you can generate it from the keyboard with control -] I'm having trouble seeing what the problem is using the scanner.
The usb scanners that we've used simply generate the characters as if they are being typed on the keyboard and that should work fine with DejawinT (otherwise you wouldn't be able to do it with the keyboard).

Does the whole thing work with Putty and your unix app?

Can you log into a shell account and try a copy of tests?
using one of the following based on whether or not you have them and if they work.
od -t x1
od -h

Then scan in the code
hit enter
hit control-D

You'll get a hex dump of the codes the scanner is getting to the command line.

Post the results here, thanks.


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