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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: error#32  (Read 3756 times)


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« on: June 28, 2006, 07:10:31 pm »

My laptop has Windows XP and my version of ICE-OFF-SITE is 7.10a/32. Trying to connect and getting error #32, "Error opening serial port COM3.  Port already open, non-existant or bad".  Per my Control Panel, my phone modem is attached to COM3 and I have set this in ICE Configuration and in Auto Dialer.  
I have tried other port numbers but then I get error #2, "Error opening serial port COM3.  Port already open, non-existant or bad".  I have also changed my fax properties to manual.
I've followed all the tips I could find from previous postings, but still can't connect.  Any help will be great. Thx.


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« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2006, 09:53:56 am »

Try opening the port in hyperterminal (not the named modem, the port). I'm guessing that this will also fail..

Is it a Dell? There are know problems with Dells (and some others) running something on startup that holds onto control of the serial port. A com port can only be opened by one device at a time. The Dell users that had this problem eventually got a solution through Dell support which involved changing something in msconfig. Unfortunately none of them has reported back what Dell disabled to make this work.

If you find out, please let the rest of us know!!

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