Sorry about the codes missing from the manual, here is how you can change the cursor with an escape sequence:
echo "\033[=1;11C"
or for some shells like bash that require the -e parameter to echo:
echo -e "\033[=1;11C"
The character before 33 is a zero, not an o. This will produce a block blinking cursor. The 1 is the starting line (top of the cursor box) and the 11 is the botom line of the cursor box. This is just an example, you can play with different numbers. Because some systems that send this code will use different end lines depending on the type of connected terminal certain numbers might give unusual results. You can test this by logging into your unix server to a prompt (not into the application) and just typing out the echo line. The change to the cursor is immediate.
Where you would put this is in on the unix side in the individual users .profile login script or the /etc/profile script or if there is a script that starts your application program in there.