Serial Products > ICE-TEN

Funny looking "A"


I'm getting some complaints about the captal "A" in iceten ver 4.7 looking odd. This only happen when the screen is at the large setting and only on ver 4.7.
Unfortunately I can't send an example because it looks ok in the email. I've tried all settings! The only way to make it look better it to set the screen size to medium or less.


--- Quote from: mikemo on February 17, 2004, 01:02:24 pm ---I'm getting some complaints about the captal "A" in iceten ver 4.7 looking odd. This only happen when the screen is at the large setting and only on ver 4.7.
Unfortunately I can't send an example because it looks ok in the email. I've tried all settings! The only way to make it look better it to set the screen size to medium or less.

--- End quote ---

Did you have an older version on this machine? It sounds like the font from 4.2.
A clean install should have overwritten this font. Make sure 4.2 is completely removed and all versions of ICE4370.FON are removed from the machine and reinstall 4.7. Alternately you can take a look at this link for a solution...


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