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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: Windows XP Pro and unable to use client when in remote session  (Read 1588 times)


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Windows XP Pro and unable to use client when in remote session
« on: December 03, 2006, 05:30:41 pm »

I am experiencing an issue with the ICE client.  I have a situation where the my users are able to utilize the client when at their desk but when they go home and remote into the office (remote desktop connection via VPN)the client will not launch.  Basically a licensing issue but that doesn’t make sense.  This is Windows XP and only one person can use the console at a time anyway.  I guess I am missing the point of why it would be locked down.  Also, it’s not a matter of not having licenses because I have double what I need. As a work around I have installed the client on their home machines but I shouldn’t have to because their work machine is licensed. 
Any suggestions? 



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Re: Windows XP Pro and unable to use client when in remote session
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2006, 09:09:43 am »

Any remote session is considered to be using a thin client.  Windows remote desktop is really a single user terminal server. What you should do since you already have a VPN is to connect directly to the Unix machine through the VPN from the remote client PC instead of running remote desktop. This is much more efficient as well since you are moving characters when you connect direct to the unix machine as opposed to sending bitmaps through remote desktop. You'll just need to allow port 23 though the VPN to the Unix box.


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Re: Windows XP Pro and unable to use client when in remote session
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2006, 10:01:21 pm »

I guess the real question is... why would it be locked down on a Windows XP workstation?  The user is licensed and only one user can use it at a time.  Its not like they are getting around the licensing.  They can lock it down for server only but they decided not to for some reason.

While I have a decent workaround, I shouldn’t have to do it and it’s an inconvenience for my client. 

What are the chances that the app would ever be changed to allow this functionality on Windows XP Pro?  I would even be open to using two licenses per workstation.  I just want it simple for my client.



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Re: Windows XP Pro and unable to use client when in remote session
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2006, 04:52:31 pm »

Pro wasn't designed for remote desktop (aka single user terminal server). It's thin client design is for lan use. Since there is much overhead using a gui connection as opposed to a character connection over a wan and since you have a VPN in place anyway, we didn't see that as a pressing need. We do not have any plans to make a special remote desktop version at this time.

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