Try this:
# infocmp > file.txt
edit the file.txt to include F10 and up...
example of the contents of the file
# infocmp
# Reconstructed via infocmp from file: /usr/share/lib/terminfo/w/wyse
wy60|wyse60|Wyse 60,
am, bw, hs, km, mir, msgr, xon,
cols#80, lines#24,
bel=^G, cbt=\EI, civis=\E`0, clear=\E*$<100>,
cnorm=\E`1, cr=\r, cub1=\b, cud1=\n, cuf1=\f,
cup=\E=%p1%'\s'%+%c%p2%'\s'%+%c, cuu1=^K,
dch1=\EW$<11>, dl1=\ER$<5>, dsl=\EF\r, ed=\Ey$<100>,
el=\Et, fsl=\r, home=^^, ht=\t, hts=\E1, il1=\EE$<4>,
ind=\n, ip=$<3>, is1=\EcB0\EcC1,
kbs=\b, kcbt=\EI, kcub1=\b, kcud1=\n, kcuf1=\f,
kcuu1=^K, kdch1=\EW, kdl1=\ER, kf1=^A@\r, kf2=^AA\r,
kf3=^AB\r, kf4=^AC\r, kf5=^AD\r, kf6=^AE\r, kf7=^AF\r,
kf8=^AG\r, kf9=^AH\r, khome=^^, kil1=\EE, ri=\Ej$<7>,
rmacs=\EH^C, rmir=\Er, rmso=\EG0, rmul=\EG0,
rs1=\E~!\E~4$<150>, rs2=\EeF$<150>,
rs3=\EwG\Ee($<200>, smacs=\EH^B, smir=\Eq, smso=\EGt,
smul=\EG8, tbc=\E0, tsl=\EF,
below are samples fro defining F14, F15, F16 and F17
kf14=^Aa\r, kf15=^Ab\r, kf16=^Ac\r, kf17=^Ad\r,
You can check the "man ascii" for further information
then use the "tic" command to compile the edited file.txt
consult the manual pages for syntax info of the commands...