Windows 2000 Pro
ICETCP version 5.1.19
2 different computers, 2 different printers, same issue:
Printing does absolutely nothing. I've got 100 some-odd other computers, same exact configuration, and these are fresh installs. I've re-added the printers, 1 is an HP LaserJet 5Si PCL 5e, the other one is Sharp AR-M335N PCL 6. I've got multiple other computers same setup at the same locations without any problems.
I don't use LPD or ICElp, never had to. We connect to a Unix box.
It only happens on these 2 computers. I've made sure that the emulation matches, vt102. We can connect in, run whatever we want to do, but we can't print any of the screen data.
I can print from every other program on either computer, Office, notepad, wordpad, but I can't print from ICETCP, which sort of narrows down to a program issue. I've re-installed both computers, and same issue.
Any help would be appreciated. I did look at other postings from current back to 2001, and nothing matches this.