After logging in Linux through Telnet Pro the command
export DISPLAY=ipADDRESS:0.0
nautilus --no-desktop directory in Linux
This brings up the nautilus browser. From here you can bring up jpg files for display. You can also drag .jpg files from one folder to another. As of now all is well.
When you try to cut and paste the jpg files Telnet Pro dies. There is probably a 5 second delay in typing or redisplaying.
If you do the same thing except from windows, Start, Run, and execute a telnet command, There is not a delay
in redisplaying or typing. Also if you call up a Telnet Pro session after using the windows telnet session. The Telnet Pro session has the delay.
This is using cygwin for the xserver. We have looked at Telnet Pro for a xserver but have not found anything.
There must be some kind of conflict between cygwin and Telnet Pro when a cut and paste is executed.