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ICETCP.PRO and ICETCP.PLUS are compatible with Windows 11!

Author Topic: Moving or updating the PRO license server  (Read 8764 times)


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Moving or updating the PRO license server
« on: October 12, 2004, 02:41:52 pm »

The following posts will detail the process of moving or updating a license server. You will need to know what version of PRO you are currently running because versions of <5.0.81 are incompatible with 5.0.81 and newer (this is because versions <5.0.81 are prior to the release of Windows XP). This is true for both the PRO and Classic (4.4) clients.

The way to determine which version you have is to run TelnetPro on a client PC and from the pulldown HELP menu, do VERSION INFORMATION.

If you are running the Classic (4.4) client you will need to install the 5.x client from your existing admin server onto at least one PC to get the detailed version information needed from the TelnetPro client. You don't need to run configwizard on that install, just cancel out when you get to that point and run TelnetPro and get the version information.

As a rough guide, if you have your original invoice, we started shipping version 5.0.81 on March 22 2002. If you have had PRO longer than that and have not previously updated it it is certainly less than 5.0.81.

See the following messages for specific instructions based on your version information.


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Moving Compatible (>5.0.80) versions
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2004, 02:57:52 pm »

Purchase an update.
Install the admin portion onto the new machine and simply copy the licenses and data folders:
Program Files->J River->ICETCP5 Server->TCP5_USER->Licenses and
Program Files->J River->ICETCP5 Server->TCP5_USER->Data
from the old machine to the new machine. Also, make a backup of the licenses and data folders, preferably on a floppy or some other removable media).

Then run licenseadmin on the new machine to see if the license(s) and users show up. If they do, all is fine and you MUST delete the admin portion from the old licenseadmin server (to prevent future sequence number conflicts). Just dump the ICETCP5 Server folder in Program Files->J River into the recycle bin.

If the users DON'T show up on the new server, re-enter the Company Name and License keys from the old server on to the new server, exit the licenseadmin program, copy the licenses and data folders over from the old server again replacing the ones on the new server and rerun licenaseadmin. You should see the licenses now.

Note that this means the links to configwizard on the individual PC's will now be wrong but that isn't a problem because you won't need to run configwizard again unless you do a reinstall of the client portion. If you need to do a client reinstall or new client install, simply  BROWSE to the new TCP5_USER share that you created on the NEW licenseadmin server (which you should have shared with permissions of full control for all) and run the setup.exe in there. The resulting install will have the correct link to config wizard. If you run configwizard on an existing install and you DON'T want to mess up your default profile settings, uncheck the "Select a  configuration profile" box when running configwizard.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 04:55:57 pm by Bob »


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Updating Compatible (>5.0.80) versions
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2004, 04:03:53 pm »

This one is really simple:
Purchase an update.
to the licenseadmin server machine. Next backup the license and data folders to some removable media:
Program Files->J River->ICETCP5 Server->TCP5_USER->Licenses and
Program Files->J River->ICETCP5 Server->TCP5_USER->Data
Run the update, do only the SERVER install. When the server install is finished you can install updated versions on your client PC's.
Make sure your TCP5_USER share on the licenseadmin machine is shared FULL CONTROL for everyone.
From a client PC, BROWSE to the TCP5_USER share on the licenseadmin machine and run the setup.exe in there. When you get to the configwizard part, if this is an update, just cancel out of configwizard. The update is finished.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 05:26:46 pm by Bob »


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Moving/Updating a server verison older than 5.0.81
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2004, 04:21:04 pm »

The key to this is to be aware that the license servers <5.0.81 cannot license a client >=5.0.81 and vice-versa.

Also, if you have TRIED to install a version older than 5.0.81 onto windows 2000 or XP you will probably have to check out this thread:;action=display;threadid=210 to fix that client PC.

As long as you don't touch the existing clients you can install an updated server over the top of your existing server. If for any reason, you need to rerun configwizard on the old client PC's after the server upgrade you will have to rerun the install on that PC to update that client because versions NEWER than 5.0.80 cannot give a sequence number to older versions.

Purchase an update.
to the licenseadmin server machine. Next backup the license and data folders to some removable media:
Program Files->J River->ICETCP5 Server->TCP5_USER->Licenses and
Program Files->J River->ICETCP5 Server->TCP5_USER->Data
Run the SERVER install and license admin. When licenseadmin comes up, check to make sure your licenses and users look ok. If not, exit licenseadmin and copy your backups in place of the licenses and data folders listed above and rerun licenseadmin. When everything in licenseadmin looks good you can go on to install PRO onto new client machines or update existing ones.

If you are moving the licenseadmin server to a new machine and updating a version older than 5.0.81 at the same time, the procedure above is the same EXCEPT that you install the update onto the new machine and put the license and data folder backups you made from the old machine onto the new machine in TCP5_USER. When licenseadmin looks good on the new server, delete the licenseadmin server on the old machine by deleting the admin portion (to prevent future sequence number conflicts). Just dump the ICETCP5 Server folder in Program Files->J River into the recycle bin.

Make sure your TCP5_USER share on the licenseadmin machine is shared FULL CONTROL for everyone.
From a client PC, BROWSE to the TCP5_USER share on the licenseadmin machine and run the setup.exe in there. When you get to the configwizard portion, uncheck the "Select a  configuration profile" box on existing  client PC's. Leave it checked on new client PC's.

If you run into sequence number problems after this it's likely that your licenses were out of sync before and the addition of new client PC's has caused conflicts. If this occurs you should delete all of the users in licenseadmin and update all of your old existing client PC's to the current version via the process above and rerun configwizard on the newly installed PC's.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 05:27:33 pm by Bob »

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