$TZ gives: CET-1CETDST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0/1
file is transferred from unix to windows and then retransferred to unix.
on the FTPPro pane for the unix site the first moment the year is 2005 and the time has changed to the time of the ftransfer.
After F5 (refresh) the year is 2004 again.
file on unix: May 24 20.56
on FTPPro pane 24-05-2004 20.56.00
after transfer to windows 24-05-2004 20.56
after retransfer to unix FTP pane 24-05-2005 20.59.52
after refresh (F5) FTP pane 24-05-2004 20.59.00
on unix screen May 24 20.59