Video Cards, Monitors, Televisions, and Projectors


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[1] Dropouts when bitstreaming Atmos through an HDMI 2.1 AVR with nVidia 3xxx GPUs

[2] HDR 4k UHD source video: audio but no video

[3] What are "high-end integrated and mid-range GPU cards" for JRVR in 2024?

[4] HDMI Problem [Solved]

[5] Approx 2 to 3 framedrops and repeated frames on low fps movies [Solved]

[6] Subtitle Position with madVR

[7] Video Conversion from mp4 ?

[8] Playing back audio from JRiver with no monitor attached

[9] 4K HDR files:"stutter"on rapid movement and or vibration effect on OledTV Solved


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