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Author Topic: Do I understand zones properly?  (Read 2250 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 98
Do I understand zones properly?
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:41:00 am »

No.  But I think I need to.

Here's my scenario:  I have been using MC as a music server.  I feed the digital output to my external DAC and then through the speakers.  For music, it works perfect.  As my monitor, I'm using my TV.  Now, I want to use MC to play movies.  In this case, I don't want the sound to go through the stereo because the speakers aren't aligned with the TV.  Hence I want to send the sound from movies through the HDMI port to the TV.

Based on what I've read, this would be a two zone set up, one for music and one for movies.  I believe (haven't confirmed) that this could be automatically switched based on the source.

Before I spend a bunch of time on a red herring, do I have this right conceptually?   (And if I do, is there an example set up someone can point me to?)



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Re: Do I understand zones properly?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2015, 10:46:44 am »

You can do exactly what you want.

You'll need two zones, with the appropriate audio devices selected in each zone (DAC in the audio zone, TV in the Video zone).  You'll then need to enable zoneswitch (in audio settings) and configure two routing rules, one that routes files with [media type] video to your video zone and one that routes files with [media type] audio to your audio zone.  The two zones should be configured to stop playback in each other for routing to work correctly.

Some more info can be found here:

But feel free to ask back if you hit a wall.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 98
Re: Do I understand zones properly?
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2015, 10:50:16 am »

That's it, I have it sorted now.  Pretty easy.  The deeper I dive into MC, the more I find.  Very cool.
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