Ok, I've got a working solution for you, but it's pretty complicated. To do this, you need to build a smartlist and a View. They work together.
1. Smartlist: Discs 2 or more, limited . This gets you every song from every album in your library that has 2 or more discs, then limits it down to one track from each Disc in each Album. Import/Export code:
[Media Type]=[Audio] [Disc #]=>=2 ~a ~limit=-1,1,[Album],[Disc #] ~sort=[Album Artist (auto)],[Album],[Disc #]
2. View to calculate Total Tracks per Album . The code below will do all of the calculation work for you. In the code below, you'll see a SmartList ID number. Replace this with the ID number of Smartlist #1 on your system. You can choose this graphically, after you close the Import/Export dialog. You should see "Playlist is any" and then a blank. Pull down the blank to choose your Smartlist Here's the Import/Export code:
[Media Type]=[Audio] playlistid==788130232 [=save(0,v_atracks[album artist (auto)][album])1]=1 [=save(math([Total Tracks]+load(v_atracks[album artist (auto)][album])),v_atracks[album artist (auto)][album])1]=1
Once the View is built, you need to add a column to show the Tracks per Album. Here's what you'll paste into an expression column to show that value:
load(v_atracks[album artist (auto)][album])
This works correctly on my system, but I don't have any multi-disc albums that are missing tracks. The logic should work on your system too, but you'll have to test it to be sure.
Let me know how it works for you.