Windows > Television

Australia TV Setup

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I think I have this sussed out.  I'm now successfully combining EPG Data on a per TV Channel across 3 different services: OTA EIT data,, and IceTV.  This is what I've found (see pics):

There is a field in MC called "TV XMLTV ID" that is used to match with the XML EPG details for a channel.  You can edit this in the GUI, by slowly double clicking of each cell (note: you can also create a view using ([Media Type]=[TV]).  Looking at the TVXML feeds and how it is populated in MC, in Sydney Australia the match in this field is thankfully unique on the service (which makes it all work in MC):
- DVB-T OTA = Empty
- = (same as the TV Channel # with "" added)
- IceTV = # (sometime it is the same as the TV Channel #, but it sometimes some other #)

Here is one way to set it up with the Priority of IceTV then then DVB-T OTA
- EPG Services:  Make sure you have a profile for each service you want to pull EPG Data from in "TV Options --> Load Program Guide --> Add"
- Reset your TV Setup using "TV Options --> Setup -->" and then check "Clean up existing television channels" & "Clean up existing television guide data" and then it should perform a scan getting all the latest channel info.  If it asked to load an EPG then use the OTA DVB-T one for now.
- Add the "Next" lowest priority EPG (   "TV Options--> Load Program guide-->"  Now just make sure the one you want to load next (eg is the only one Checked and "Run Selected profiles now" and on the next screen let it do an "Auto Match --> Use New".  This will populate the "TV XMLTV ID" field with values like "" that supports
- Repeat for the next EPG Service (for me it is Ice TV) and this will then populate the "TV XMLTV ID" field with values like "" that supports.  As this is a subset it will leave some "" values and overwrite others is "##"
- Manually Edit the "TV XMLTV ID" field for the channels you want to change as either Blank (for DVB-T) as I did for Ch 203 and 204 or ## for IceTV, or
- Make sure you have "In over-the-air EPG scan, save programs for channels with empty XMLTV IDs only" is checked

Nice work.  Thanks for posting.

I have wondered where got its data from, and have always wondered about, what its source was, who was running it, and so on. It has always seemed complete and accurate. I should have looked into it more. But my OTA TV watching has dropped off quite a bit, so the EPG I had was good enough.

Ah, that is right, it is the Nine Network, who I believe is still responsible for accumulating EPG data for all channels from all broadcasters. I believe I tried to create an account with them some time back to get access to that data, but it didn't work. It seems is collecting that data. Actually, I see has multiple sources. All good, as it is for personal use. Our use, and is non-commercial. So it should be a good source to use into the future.

I note that "SBS Radio 1", "SBS Radio 2", "SBS Chill" and "SBS Arabic24" are duplicated on two channels each. I have noticed that in channel scans in the past. Some clean up to do unless those channels are actually playing something different.

I should really make the effort to switch across to altogether. Maybe a small project for tonight.

Yeah we also use Live TV from MC a lot less but that may change back once we have to leave Foxtel Cable (our area has just turned on NBN FTTC and I've got a Tech Change in to go to FTTP and don't know if they will use the Coax to pull the Fibre).  Time will tell on this one.

I have copper and coax in my conduit, so if I ever got fibre pulled I would want them to use the copper. It is useless now anyway. Terribly degraded. But should still be strong enough to pull fibre through.

I would love to have FTTP but I can't see that happening while coax still works.


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