Windows > Television

Australia TV Setup

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There's another option out there:

Apparently based on OzTivo EPG data but it's been tidied up. One to consider.

I suppose it should be on the list, but I have been reluctant to even look at anything that used TIVO data because;
1. TIVO has pulled out of the Australian market.
2. The EPG data is compiled by individuals, and relies on them to pull the data together. I won't ever do that work myself, and I don't want to rely on other people to do it out of the goodness of their hearts, reliably.
3. The TIVO data is collected for a limited number of early Australian TIVO devices, and no-one else. When those devices fail, and their numbers dwindle, who will pull the EPG data together then?  (I guess that could be why they are offering the data via XMLTV files; To keep the user and contributor numbers up.)
4. I'm not sure about the legality of sourcing the data, with respect to copyright. While the data was restricted to a few dying TIVO device users, who cared. If every XMLTV user started using it, there may be problems.

I see that the announcement on Whirlpool was posted by the author of Big Screen EPG, Niall. I guess this source could extend the life of BSE a bit.

If you try it out, let us known what the data is like. Niall says it has xmltv_ns Season and Episode numbers, which is a start, but no repeat flags.

From this thread (with minor edits for brevity):

--- Quote ---IceTV is a professionally hand curated Australian XMLTV EPG feed that is updated throughout each day right up to primetime to ensure your recordings are not missed due to late programming changes. Importantly, accurate recording is optimised with repeat tags, series and episode numbers where available, and consistent show titles.

- IceTV is an accurate, curated guide.
- IceTV is optimised for recording TV.
- IceTV is updated throughout the day.
- IceTV's XMLTV EPG feed covers all regions in Australia.
- We advise a final refresh just before prime time.

To subscribe at the XMLTV only price go here:

------------- How to Setup in MC (Thanks to JMONE) -------------

* Once you have subscribed go to and login.
* Copy the link under "The link to use in your XMLTV enabled recorder is:"
* and in MC's Tools --> Options --> Television --> Load Program Guide --> Add --> XMLTV paste this link under "Load XMLTV results from this file" (and make sure "Run an executable to retrieve XMLTV data" is unchecked.
You may also want to increase the settings to "Automatically load the program guide everyday in the background" to minimum refresh time so you have the most up to date EPG.
--- End quote ---


EPG Setup with EPG Collector

In the interim, refer here for advice:


EPG Setup with IceTV and FreEPG (and any other simple download XMLTV files)


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