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Author Topic: Sluggish search in 21.0.6  (Read 6149 times)

Claude Lapalme

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Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« on: September 13, 2015, 11:00:10 am »

I have 75,520 tracks in my audio library. Doing a search provokes odd behaviour. I start typing and it gets stuck on the first letter for about 15 seconds. It eventually completes the the other letters, but if I click anywhere during that time, the program crashes. If I search my video library, which is smaller, the problem doesn't manifest itself. Tried an older library: same audio search issue. Installed 21.0.5: problem gone!


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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2015, 11:41:30 am »

Hi -- can't reproduce this behavior on my end ... tried from both client and server pcs.  Both of my computers are pretty fast and I do have a direct wired connection to my network.  There were two minor changes made to searching in 21.0.6 though, so you might be on to something

Claude Lapalme

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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2015, 01:56:02 pm »

Should I send a copy of my library?


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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2015, 02:53:39 pm »

Should I send a copy of my library?
you could post a log (library file won't help) (Help=>Logging) to see where its is crashing. Maybe you are in a loop -- do have podcasts set to look-up/download files? the log should indicate that

Claude Lapalme

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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2015, 02:55:05 pm »

Thanks. Will do later today.

Claude Lapalme

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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2015, 05:10:03 pm »

Here is a crash log.

It is interesting to note also that this problem happens only with the default "Album" view and two custom view for which I have based on "Album" view as a starting point. All other views search just fine.


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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2015, 05:59:10 am »

Here is a crash log.

It is interesting to note also that this problem happens only with the default "Album" view and two custom view for which I have based on "Album" view as a starting point. All other views search just fine.
Hi Claude. Look, I'm far from an expert on analyzing logs .. doesn't seem like it crashed , but rather JRiver "hung" right?

A couple things I noticed ... there was a loop as the program is looking for a drive that doesn't exist anymore
Code: [Select]
Drive does not exist (drive: J:, filename: J:\Bluray Movies on J Drive\, type: 1, attributes: 4294967295)
also you have a bunch of subscriptions to podcasts -- which look like they are failing ... podcasts can really burden your resources ... (turn them off to check .. possible?)

I'd check this J:drive and make sure you have no library entries from that drive or that your import settings are not configed to watch it. Is this an optical drive maybe?

otherwise I'm afraid I'll have to bump this to someone more qualified in analyzing logs

Claude Lapalme

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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2015, 11:22:33 am »

After doing a lot of testing on a "test" library, I started to have a feeling that it was related to search suggestions. 21.0.7 fixed something in that regard, and now the problem is gone!!


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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2015, 11:25:36 am »

After doing a lot of testing on a "test" library, I started to have a feeling that it was related to search suggestions. 21.0.7 fixed something in that regard, and now the problem is gone!!

Well I won't claim to understand it, but that's sure good news that it's fixed.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

Claude Lapalme

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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2015, 11:29:27 am »

It would take several long paragraphs to describe what I did to test it. Not worth it now that it works! But it was driving me crazy and was very difficult to pin down - I just couldn't completely pin it down through testing. Thanks again for a great program!

Claude Lapalme

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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6 - spoke too soon
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2015, 01:35:08 pm »

Ok … I lied. It’s doing it again. I truly need help with this. Let me give you as much info as possible. I’m on windows 7-64, but have tested on Windows 10 as well. Since Matt has now seen the post, I hope we can track this down.
1.   Behaviour description: In my audio library (which contains over 70,000 tracks), typing in a search triggers a program freeze after typing the first letter. The remaining letters end up displaying after a lengthy delay. Clicking on the screen during the delay can cause a crash.
2.   The behaviour is present in version 21.0.7 and 21.0.6, but not in earlier versions.
3.   The behaviour occurs only in views based on “Categories”. All other views search fine.
4.   The delay can be at times short (5 seconds) but is generally long (20 seconds – up to 34 seconds once)
5.   Updating a version can sometimes make the program run fine, but repeated searches or adding an item to the library activates the behaviour. Once that behaviour is established, it then remains consistent.
6.   I have tried with my podcasts removed as Arindelle suggested, and also corrected the setting that invoked a now non-existent drive. This did nothing to improve the situation.
7.   I have rebuilt test libraries from scratch, but they eventually display the behaviour once the library gets large. However, the number of files in the library which is required to kick-start the problem varies from test to test.
8.   The backward process is the same. Removing files from the library eventually takes care of the problem, but again, no particular library size can get rid of it. On one test, it took about 35,000 files for the problem to disappear, but on another test I had to erase 90% of my audio items in the library in order to lick it.
9.   I have come up empty handed in every attempt to zero-in on a specific file or group of files which could trigger this behaviour.
10.   I had my son load my library file on his very fast windows 10 machine. And although the first few searches went fine, it eventually started to freeze also.
I will gladly provide anyone with my library, bearing in mind that it can take a few searches before this odd behaviour appears.


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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2015, 02:52:49 pm »

If you could e-mail your library to me, that might help with identifying what the issue might be. My e-mail address is brad at jriver dot com.

Claude Lapalme

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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2015, 03:27:41 pm »

Will do right away


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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2015, 10:10:07 am »

Thank you for your assistance in this. It was pretty easy to reproduce the problem with your library. We were able to make some changes to try and resolve this problem. Using your library, I've run several dozen searches since the changes and have not noticed anymore long hang-ups. Hopefully this resolves the issue for you when it comes out in an upcoming build.

Claude Lapalme

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Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2015, 02:00:33 pm »

Thanks you very much for attending to this. Especially in the light of my being the only one who reported this issue. I did have a feeling however that it was something deep within the code!

Claude Lapalme

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Re: Sluggish search in 21.0.6
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2015, 10:51:30 am »

So far so good in version 21.0.9.

Thanks all!
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