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Author Topic: Multiple Instances of Files  (Read 1969 times)


  • World Citizen
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Multiple Instances of Files
« on: November 05, 2015, 12:20:40 am »

I have encountered two problems with multiple instances of files. So, I thought it would be wise to consult the team of our forum before I take action.

I found out yesterday that there are some files with many instaces of the same file. I guess its because of the import function (which I have run a few times during the year).

Is there a work around to this without restoring a previous backup?
I am thinking of running a duplicate remover function and delete those that are not in playlists.

The second problem is related to the above one.
I have created a smaller more portable database (with fewer files) from my original one , where I also transcode the audio files to ogg. Unfortunately I found out about the problem because of this process.

So there are some files that failed to transcode because of the duplicate entries. Some of these files are parts of playlists and I don't want to delete them without replacing them with another instance. The playlists are too many to run through them and replace the files one by one.

Thank you all!



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Re: Multiple Instances of Files
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2015, 08:40:02 am »

I've accidentally made MC import files more than once, but I had to do some REALLY weird stuff to make it happen.

Are you sure you have the exact same files imported 2 or more times?  Or do you have the same songs, but different files?

If you post a screen shot showing file names, we might be able to advise you better.



  • World Citizen
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Re: Multiple Instances of Files
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2015, 10:15:07 am »

I am positive. For example, if I change the name of one of those songs in the Explorer Window, none of the songs play.


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Re: Multiple Instances of Files
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2015, 11:28:11 am »

Ok.  It's up to you how you want to proceed.  Finding all of the duplicates is probably pretty easy.  Just make a smartlist with a modifier of "only duplicates" of "filename".

Getting rid of them would be a different exercise.

Depending on how this actually happened, restoring a backup (as you suggested) might be the smartest thing to do.  It's really hard to say without seeing how many, how they are grouped, and of course how this happened in the first place.

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