Please read carefully before downloading. This is BETA software. There are still some known (and unknown) bugs.
The latest known stable version of 9.1 beta is here: The latest build of 9.1 beta is here: Please report only known problems in this thread. If you want to discuss changes in the UI, please use another thread. History:
1. Fixed: Media Center would occasionally crash if stop was pressed while buffering.
2. Changed: Column right-click menu shows list styles as submenu.
3. Fixed: Right click menu wouldn't show up for root of "CD, DVD, & Handhelds".
4. Changed: "Detailed Info" renamed "Tag Info".
5. Changed: Properties (alt+enter, r-click, etc.) shows tag info page instead of toggling action window.
6. Changed: Internal margins for the Action Window can now be described through InternalMargins item in XML.
7. Fixed: If MC failed to load skin it would not always show the name of the skin.
8. Changed: DirectSound playback has stutter suppression so it won't loop when buffering or failing to play a stream.
9. Changed: Updated SlideShow and 3D Visualizations (w00t) for MC 9.1. (visit plugins page to download)
10. Fixed: Installer wouldn't always jump to the top when starting.