I'm working on an easy way to import some media (JPEGs) that is available on the web. It would be a fairly straightforward task to "suck down" the top page, including all subpages, and then use XSLT to transform the HTML into XML to convert the <a> into a <filename> and <description> element.
But then I'm sort of stuck. How can I get an XML document into the MC library?
Please, please, please - if there's no way now, can we "pretty please" get a functionality to import into the library. I notice that the mediafiles.jmd stores the backup data as partly text. Suggestion: Considering it's text nature, and the fact that it's zipped... convert the backup structure to XML and allow an import to either "clear library first", "overright existing records", or "skip existing records".
This would go a LONG, LONG way in helping people bring more media into MC. They'd just need to transform whatever they have to MediaML (or whatever else you'd like to call your XML dialect).
And before someone says it would just be easier to manually save each image to disk (while creating the right filename to describe it)... I'm talking 10,000 images.