I've seen a lot of discussion about Comskip and trying to get it to run on new recordings without intervention. In my current setup I am using Comskip and Comskip Monitor. I thought I would share my experience and hopefully help others who are trying to get Comskip working.
Comskip Monitor runs as a service in Windows and watches your recording folder. When a new show is recorded, it launches Comskip and marks the commercial breaks.
You can find Comskip Monitor here:
http://forums.sagetv.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=138You can find the Comskip here:
http://www.kaashoek.com/comskip/In my setup I extracted Comskip to c:\comskip and I extracted Comskip Monitor to c:\comskip monitor.
Once you have Comskip Monitor extracted, you need to run the "Setup" batch file to initialize Comskip Monitor. This is supposed to point Comskip Monitor to your instance of Comskip, the Comskip ini file and the directory to watch for new recordings. I couldn't get the setup to work properly and ended up editing the "csm.properties" file using Notepad. My current "csm.properties" file looks like this:
#Tue Oct 20 07:43:38 EDT 2015
file.directories=D\:/Video/JRiver/TV Recording
Once I started the Comskip Monitor service it began to analyze all of the existing recordings in my directory and generated EDL files. I have run one new recording which Comskip analyzed and marked commercials. I still need to tweak the Comskip ini file to improve commercial detection, but overall it seems to be working.
Notes on my setup: I am running Windows 7 and don't know if this will work on Windows 8 or Windows 10. Also, I am recording TS files which Comskip will analyze. I don't think this will work for JTV files.
It would be great if this could be implemented natively in JRiver MC. I'm not sure how long I can count on Comskip Monitor working and the original developer hasn't updated the service for nearly 10 years. Ideally JRiver MC would call Comskip at the end of a recording and analyze the new file.
As others have asked, it would be helpful if the commercial breaks could be shown on the timeline.
If you use Comskip, consider donating to the developer at: