Devices > Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay
Easiest way to copy music to iPhone
It's not that JRiver is technically unable to interface with the iPhone. They could figure it out and do it.
The problem is that doing so is prohibited by law. The Digital Milenium Copyright Act (DMCA) makes it illegal to break Apple encryption in this case. Apple didn't have this level of encryption in the iPod. Apple observed third paries putting music on the iPod. This made it easy for Apple user to buy music from sources than Apple. Bad for Apple's bottom line. So they added otherwise unnecessary encryption to the iPhone. In my humble opinion, the only reason they did that was to stop companies like JRiver from accessing the iPhone. This is monopolistic, and does not benefit of Apple's users. It only benefits Apple's shareholders.
Think about that the next time you consider buying an iPhone.
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