Devices > Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay
Easiest way to copy music to iPhone
--- Quote ---if your data plan allows it
--- End quote ---
That's a big if. Or if you have a data signal where you are as BartMan01 pointed out. While cloud storage provides certain conveniences, I do not want to rely on it, especially for something like this.
--- Quote ---Use Gizmo as alternative
--- End quote ---
We're talking about an iPhone. Gizmo is only available for Android. (And I freaking love it. One of the many reasons I am ridiculously unhappy about being forced to switch to an iPhone.)
Thanks for all your help here in the forums.
I am a long time audiophile, have been aware of JRiver for a few years via reading industry media etc., but this is the first time I researched this product to potentially purchase it. Reason being: I recently moved to the iPhone when they upped their storage to 128 GB, and so now I can have my music on my phone, which I LOVE!!!
BUT, recently I have been having a terrible time with iTunes, because it for some reason it can't manage my 550 album music collection, especially with a NAS.
I looked at the new ROON thing that's getting all the crazy accolades/hype, but found that it can't support the iPhone/mobile experience, so I have zero interest there.
I figured that JRiver's been around for years, like 21 incarnations, so they must have all this figured out, with slick apps / interface with smartphones etc.
And so I was surprised to read that there's no JRiver ability to put music (physically) on your iPhone, and have it there like you would in your home? Is this correct???
I read that Apple no longer allows direct support of the iPhone, or something like that, but I don't know what that means in this context.
Is it the case that I cannot have JRiver's desktop application put my music on my iPhone (either in a JRiver iOS app or the iTunes / Apple Music app already on the phone)?
I am not interested in streaming my music collection. I would use Rhapsody or Spotify or many others if I wanted to stream.
Thanks to any and all that can elucidate here.
JRiver doesn't support current iPhones. Discussed many times on this board.
We recommend that you consider an Android phone.
Yes, it's unfortunate that the iphone is locked down so heavily by Apple. I think JRiver spent a bunch of time and money working on integration, only to have Apple pull the rug out from under them by changing the encryption and locking them out again.
As far as I know, itunes is really the only way to put music on an iphone. You can maintain your library in MC. Then you can export some (or all) of it into a directory monitored by itunes and use itunes *only* to sync your phone. There is also a third party program that's supposed to automate some of those steps called MCIS. I have NO EXPERIENCE with it. I've read various good and bad reports about it.
This is definitely a "too bad" kind of situation, as the OP clearly wants to use JRiver MC, but also likes his iphone. :(
I use a separate device for portable audio. I hate it when texts, phone calls, etc, interrupt the music. But then, I'm kind of old school when it comes to things like this. Good luck to the OP!
There are plenty of ways to do it without iTunes with external apps or cloud storage syncs. If you want to copy music (and not sync, update playlists etc.). They are easy enough if that is all you want to do. Making/editing playlists using standard IOS apps is a real PITA though.
Everytime JRiver has tried to address this Apple & Cie do their best to mess up everything else. There should be anti-trust legislation against 'em. If I wasn't so lazy about learning the ins and outs, I'd jailbreak all my IOS devices. >:(
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