Last Updated: 03 MAR 16
Background: MC has the Ability to check for "Missing Filenames" for items that are in the MC Library but not on the HDD. Unfortunately the opposite is not easy to do (eg check what might be missing from the MC Library that is present on the HDD). As an example, you can end up with "orphaned" files when using MC's delete function if you have selected "Remove from Media Library" when you really wanted either "Remove from Media Library & ..Delete / ...send to the Recycle Bin" options.... and they can be hard to find later.
MC Media Checker allows you to select a Folder and it will check each file under that folder (and all sub folders) to see if they exist in the MC Library. Any items that do not exist will be written out to a TXT File called "FileList.txt" that you can then examine.
Notes, Limitations, Future Stuff:
- There is no logic in this script, it just reads a file and checks if it is in MC so you can end up with a big list of sidecar files, coverart, and in the case of Blu-ray / DVD rips a whole list of subfiles that MC does not display even though the "Main" file exists
- Files that are in MC but have a different name than the file system will also be reported
- It does not handle some extended characters sets well, so keep an eye on your files. I got some "false positives" due to some "non std" characters not matching well from MC and the File system
- At this stage this script does not change anything it either MC or the HDD. I was thinking of adding a buttons like "Add all to MC" and "Delete all from HDD" but ..... best to check manually at this stage.
- I could also offer a "Filter" so that it only checked for particular extensions (eg MP3, FLAC etc) to help avoid finding stuff like valid sidecar files
Setting Up Media Server Access: This script uses MC's Web Services (MCWS) to Import, Export, and Update your Library. For this to work, you will need to ensure that:
- Media Server is running (In "MC --> Tools--> Options--> Media Network")
- When you first Run MC Media Checker, it will ask you to enter your Connection Details, and allow you to test it works. If you ever need to change these just delete the "MC Media Checker.ini" file in the same directory. The second time the menu will be presented
- I've attached both a compiled Version and the original AHK Script if you want to see what it does
Let me know of any bugs!