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Author Topic: What settings, folder contents can I safely copy or import from MC20 in Win7?  (Read 4707 times)

Jay Fora

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Hi, am just setting up MC20 in Mint Cinnamon. Can I import or copy and paste any of the MC20 files from the program files folders in Win7 to the corresponding folders in MC 20 Linux version? Playlists, libray backups,etc. If so, how would I do this please? - I haven't a clue. Cinnamon can read and write to NTFS, so easy to retrieve these files in that respect. From one windows machine to another, I would know my way around. But don't even know how to find MC data in Mint Cinnamon, or know if it is stored in the same way.
If doing this could be messy, and there is a risk of messing up MC in Mint Cinnamon, I prefer to just start again with the clean slate I have.
I imagine skin files/ preferences from windows wouldn't be compatible, is that true?
I thought I saw a thread on this forum about 3rd party skins, but don't see it now. A couple of the windows ones were great for me. Are there any for the Linux version? I don't see the option in 'skins' to download others.


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I've experimented with this when moving a library from MC21 on Windows to MC21 on Mac.  Mac and Linux both have the same "problem" when trying to move a windows library:  The file paths in Windows use backslash ( \ ), while Linux and Mac both use slash ( / ).  Trying to directly restore a Windows library  doesn't work very well because of this.

I was able to make this work pretty much all the way with Mac, but it required some fiddling and you asked about an easy solution.  I also restored the settings from Windows to Mac and it caused problems.  Primarily with things like the Cover Art folder.  Again because of the backslashes.  That was NOT fun to fix, but I got it done.

The only real good news here is the Skins.  Almost every skin (that I'm aware of) is full compatible with all MC platforms.

Depending on how much time you have invested in your MC library on Windows, it might be worth trying a procedure like I did.  Or it might be a giant pain the butt and not wort the effort.  :)


Jay Fora

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Thank you - Hmmm.. What about copy and pasting files inside the relevent folders in windows, to the equivalent folders in Linux? I wonder if such folders exist, or if the software data is stored in a completely different way in Linux? Any linux MC lovers want to offer advice on that?
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