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Author Topic: Compilations not showing up correctly on Pono Player  (Read 4289 times)


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Compilations not showing up correctly on Pono Player
« on: November 28, 2015, 12:23:28 am »

Hey guys,
I'm running the most recent Pono firmware and I'm still not able to view compilation albums properly on the player.

The player groups everything by "Artist" instead of "Album Artist", so all of my compilation albums are scattered when viewing on the Pono Player.

Is there any fix for this?

I'm not looking for a kludgey work-around like changing the "Artist" tag to say "Various Artists" or something.. I'd like to preserve the proper metadata.


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Re: Compilations not showing up correctly on Pono Player
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2015, 06:34:12 am »

Hi sorry I don't have a Pono, but usually this is not linked to the artist field, but to the album artist field. You certainly don't want to mess with the artist metadata, however it is not a work around to insure that you have a consistent tag for multiple artist albums/compilations. Its standard and most players will group by default, or give you the option to group, by album artist.

Try selecting a compilation and put Various Artists in the [Album Artist] field and see if this sorts this for you (or use Multiple Artists if you prefer, just be consistent) If it does, select all tracks for concerned albums and tag the rest in the same way.

Usually if configured correctly your ripping software should be automatically entering this for you .. for downloaded music you might have to do this manually though. Ther might be a separate option in Pono to group by album artist or artist in its options (like the iphone default player does), so if your album artist field is correctly tagged, I'd look for that.


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Re: Compilations not showing up correctly on Pono Player
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2015, 12:54:15 pm »

Thanks for the reply Arindelle,

Yes all of my compilation albums have the Album Artist set to "Various Artists", but do not display under that in the Pono.



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Re: Compilations not showing up correctly on Pono Player
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2015, 01:31:38 pm »

ah ok sorry I couldn't help ... well friendly bump anyway :)


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Re: Compilations not showing up correctly on Pono Player
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2016, 12:42:55 pm »

I think I just figured this one out. Looking at a metadata view of the tags, for the whole album, [various] will change for each tract, so cannot be used for album artist if you want to keep it all together.  You can only use (multiple artists) if you want them together.  If you try to name one artist as the main one, you lose all the individual tract artists, so I don't do that.  If you delete the artist in album artist, <enter> then (multiple artists) shows up.  [various] needs to be for the individual tract artists at this view.  Then you can choose each track, and the individual artist name will show up, or can be placed there.  I have only done this backwards, after the album is already in JRiver, and the individual tract artist names are there.  Be careful, and make sure only the tracts you want changed are highlighted.  The first time I tried to change one album title, I turned all 17 BB King albums into one, thought I had lost all the track titles.  Luckily it was not on my main files, so just deleted the BB King folder from JRiver (not my files), then re-syched it to the library and redid it the right way. 
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