Thankx ferday
I looked at the options as you in dicated but I could not find any suitable options wich fits with my concern except for ingnoring articles
The issue I have is that I tagged many file wit Syrname, Name while other files are tagged as Name, Surname ...
About file location it looks like JRiver put the cover arts in a local directory instead of the album forlder (which is a better otion IMO)
have a nice weekend
Hi Stanzani
my 2 cents
universal tags standards don't exist for a lot of fields, however Artist, Composers and Conductors are standard using first name last name. When ripping this is what you will get automatically. Often, depending on the completeness of the metadata and which software you use you can get the more or less standard fields Artist, composer, and sometime conductor "sort fields too. In JRiver you can create these fields.
Personally, I would recommend keeping these fields in First Name Lastname format for ripping and internet lookups, and using the sort fields for Last Name, First Name. (off-topic -- I do use Last Name, First Name for the Album Artist field just for classical music to handle my "Views" and keep albums together like I want -- but classical tagging is a big topic!).
After version 20 ther are functions called swap and unswap (and very recently in 21 this has been improved further recently). So instead of correcting manually your tags which wit a large collection you can save a great deal of time on this (euh I've been there). Consitency is where its at :)You can simplify your work by using the wizard or a smartlist to find all the tracks with a "comma" in them (LastName, First Name) and then simply type this in the field box from the tag window that you want to revert
eg. in the composer field you would type after selecting the tracks/albums =unswap([Composer]).
TRY THIS ON 1 or 2 albums and check to not mess 1000s of tracks up and always backup your library before doing this kind of manipulation

After words you can do this in one shot (CTRL+Z for undo also just in case).
Now in your custom field, probably Composer Sort in this example, after selecting the tracks/albums, simply type
. It will automatically flip all the track tags and populate them to LastName, First Name. Some manual adjustments might be necessary, but it works very well now.
Then as ferday points out you have the choice to base your views on either the sorted version (lastname, firstname) or the "internet standard version".
About file location it looks like JRiver put the cover arts in a local directory instead of the album folder (which is a better otion IMO)
difference of opinion not shared by all -- I prefer keeping the artwork, pdfs, in the album folder -- there are reasons too legthy to go into. I also use the folder.jpg rule, but I'm old school - technically the artwork should be embedded in each file so it is not that important, most of the time.
I also noticed that adding tags propagate into files and it is not just in the library database. I also noticed that images are not added in the album / movie folder if I search images in the internet or import new itrms. is that correct? is there any option for put images in the item folders?
as said above you can configure where you want your iamges stored via the options. The tag info, you usually want it written to the files, this is a secondary backup that can save your life if your library backup file is corrupted and is also very handy if you use or change to other players so the metadata can be imported. To check to see if fields are writing to the file go Options=>Library & Folders=>Manage Library Fields and check or uncheck "save in file when possible" -- this depends on the container and media type -- most data type fields for FLAC audio can be written to the file for example (and probably should be); video files need or might need to write to a sidecar, wav files are very limited etc.
This is where you can create your sort fields btw, referred to above.