Here is the path I follow:
First I download the files to the default download library in Windows
Then I copy the files to my HDD to the selected library - in the example below to "Ludwig van Beethoven"

Then I import the file to JRiver using "import single file"
Now it shows up in the Recent file page and in this case also in the Classical genre as San Francisco Sympony...
So I mark the album and go into the Tag window and change artist to "Ludwig van Beethoven"

This change also the artist field in the file list to the right but not at the top where it still says "Classical Artist" > San Francisco ... as you can see.
I want the album to be sorted under Ludwig van Beethoven but as you can see it is still under San Francisco... in spite of the tag window says Ludwig van Beethoven.

This is an issue I only have with downloaded files, not always but say 6 out of 10. Sometimes it works. Very irritating...