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Author Topic: Tag issues  (Read 2555 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Tag issues
« on: November 27, 2015, 04:34:22 pm »

On downloaded files it seems impossible to change the default tags. Example: Today I downloaded San Fransisco orchestra with a Beethoven symphony. It comes pre-tagged as San Fransisco S.O. as Artist. But I want to use Beethoven as Artist. That is also the way I sort my files. But when importing the file it will show up as the symphony orchestras name as Artist. I have changed in the tag-function in the left down corner but it does not impact. There must be a tag function that overrule my intentions. Where do I find that?


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Re: Tag issues
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2015, 11:32:02 pm »

I know of no function in JRiver that overrides your tag input.

Your problem is not universal.  I change the tag values on every file I download.  To help us suggest a solution, you should provide more information on how you are entering tag values.  In the tag window, in the file list or in the panes above the file list.  What view or playlist are you looking at when you enter tag changes?  Are you importing files manually or depending on auto-import to find and import the files?

How are you deciding that the tag values you input are not being accepted?

One possibility is that you have not selected the files in the file list and when you enter tag values they don't apply to the files you wanted changed.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Tag issues
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2015, 03:14:43 am »

Here is the path I follow:

First I download the files to the default download library in Windows
Then I copy the files to my HDD to the selected library - in the example below to "Ludwig van Beethoven"

Then I import the file to JRiver using "import single file"
Now it shows up in the Recent file page and in this case also in the Classical genre as San Francisco Sympony...
So I mark the album and go into the Tag window and change artist to "Ludwig van Beethoven"

This change also the artist field in the file list to the right but not at the top where it still says "Classical Artist" > San Francisco ... as you can see.

I want the album to be sorted under Ludwig van Beethoven but as you can see it is still under San Francisco... in spite of the tag window says Ludwig van Beethoven.

This is an issue I only have with downloaded files, not always but say 6 out of 10. Sometimes it works. Very irritating...



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Re: Tag issues
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2015, 05:50:40 am »

that's a View Issue I bet --- it shouldn't show classical artist it should show "artist" normally in the tab (category). Change the category to Artist and see if that sorts it out (right click customize view the artist field should show in the "category" box on the left).

Not sure why this affects only downloaded files though, it should affect them all

unless..... is  "Classical Artist" a custom field or part of an expression? 



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Re: Tag issues
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2015, 09:30:25 am »

Here is the path I follow:

First I download the files to the default download library in Windows
Then I copy the files to my HDD to the selected library - in the example below to "Ludwig van Beethoven"

Then I import the file to JRiver using "import single file"
Now it shows up in the Recent file page and in this case also in the Classical genre as San Francisco Sympony...
So I mark the album and go into the Tag window and change artist to "Ludwig van Beethoven"

This change also the artist field in the file list to the right but not at the top where it still says "Classical Artist" > San Francisco ... as you can see.

I want the album to be sorted under Ludwig van Beethoven but as you can see it is still under San Francisco... in spite of the tag window says Ludwig van Beethoven.

This is an issue I only have with downloaded files, not always but say 6 out of 10. Sometimes it works. Very irritating...


Thank you for the very detailed walk-through.  It really helps.

First right click on the view name in the left pane and choose "customize view".Look at the list of categories.  Is Artist listed or is it Album Artist?  If it is Album Artist, you might not see changes to the Artist tag refelcted in the Album Artist tag. 

When you change the tag value for the current category, JRiver continues to display the old category value and the same list of files.  That is by design.  Click on a different Artist in the upper pane and then on "Ludwig van Beethoven".  You should see the Symphony No. 7 and Leonore Overture tracks in the file list.

Try these experiments out and report back.


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Re: Tag issues
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2015, 11:10:27 am »

The view displayed just likely needs to be refreshed. Once the view is refreshed it should show your tag changes.

In the upper-left corer of the view is a box with a back arrow, forward arrow, and a clockwise circular arrow
Click the clockwise circular arrow to refresh the view
Or use the F5 key
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