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Author Topic: Media Center 21.0.26 for Windows -- Available here  (Read 6700 times)


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Media Center 21.0.26 for Windows -- Available here
« on: December 10, 2015, 09:01:56 am »

This is the latest version of MC21.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

[Build pulled]

21.0.26 (12/8/2015)

1. Changed: Coverart tools are available for "TV" media types (TV channels and programs).
2. NEW: Television channel logo support in Theater View guide grid.
3. Fixed: In "Mini View" mode on Windows 10 with Noire skin, the minimize button was partly overlaying the player window.
4. Fixed: When resampling, the source format listed in DSP Studio wouldn't get updated properly when switching tracks.
5. Changed: Updated Slovak translation (thanks Peter Lukac).
6. Fixed: ASIO Live would crash if you picked more than two channels.
7. Changed: Enabled DoP bitstreaming for DSD256.
8. Changed: Database key value for a television channel is displayed in Details box on Manage Channels dialog window.
9. Changed: Television channel logo, if available, of the first selected channel, is displayed on Manage Channels dialog window.
10. Fixed: The keyboard shortcut to change the audio stream during DVD playback was not working (Ctrl+Shift+L).
11. NEW: Added "Channel logo" menu when right-clicking on a single channel on Manage Channels dialog window.  The menu is the same as the Cover Art menu elsewhere.
12. Changed: Manage Channels dialog window is now resizable.  It was tweaked so it will fit within monitor screen better with magnified screen sizes (such as 125% and 150%).
13. Fixed: When setting the playback range back to an empty value the duration wouldn't update to the whole file (now it updates the library from tags on that change).
14. Fixed: When loading XMLTV EPG data, re-run flag was not saved when its value was false.  This caused previously saved bogus "true" value not to be corrected.

21.0.25 (12/01/2015)

1. Fixed: When switching tabs, the delete command would still route to the previous tab in some cases.
2. Fixed: Fixed problems in the CD Labeler program where dialogs with checkboxes, scrollbars, and other elements were not displaying properly.  Skinning was removed from CD Labeler and will return when MFC is removed from it.
3. Fixed: When TV time-shifting reader filter performed seeking, it could try to wait for more data to be buffered than the buffering reader was set to buffer, resulting in unnecessarily long wait.
4. NEW: In Theater View television guide grid, a green triangle is added in front of the program name of a currently playing show.
5. Fixed: GIF images ended up with a JPG extension when getting artist images.

21.0.24 (11/24/2015)

1. Changed: When loading on-line EPG data, MC will create programs for all channels that match a given xmltv ID, instead of just creating them for the first found matching channel.
2. Optimized: The amount of time required for performing "filling in gaps with dummy EPG program info" (feature introduced in build 21) is significantly reduced.
3. Fixed: If in-place editing was used to change the filename field to an invalid value (like blank, or a name without a path), MC would not report an error and the data for that file could be lost.
4. Fixed: The 'Delete' accelerator would translate in fullscreen and want to delete the files that were behind the playing view.
5. Changed: Added 'Playlists' as a type to the new Action Window Tag page so that you don't have to use Custom(Playlists) to view playlists.
6. Changed: The rule for a user account is applied when dropping a set of files onto a playlist.
7. Changed: The rule for a user account is applied when double-clicking a file in Explorer.
8. Changed: Updated the copyright date in the Media Editor and CDLabeler.
9. Changed: Made the zones in the Playing Now overview a little wider on high DPI.
10. Changed: Updated Italian translation file (thanks Matteo).
11. Fixed: The filenames when getting artist images for would be a series of random numbers instead of jpg.
12. Fixed: Color Coding of Theater View TV guide grid only worked for Obsidian skin.
13. Changed: Increased opacity of colored cells in Theater View guide grid so that they will be easier to see in some skins such as Glass.
14. Changed: The Swap(...) function will nicely handle semi-colon delimited lists and swap each element (before it would stumble).
15. Changed: Made the Unswap(...) function also accept a semi-colon delimited list.
16. Fixed: Clicking a checkbox in DSP Studio would hide the window if the current window was active before clicking the checkbox.

21.0.23 (11/17/2015)

1. Fixed: The search box could be too tall.
2. Fixed: Minimized action windows could disappear instead of minimize.
3. Fixed: Attached drives would show up in Action Window > Camera.

21.0.22 (11/16/2015)

1. Fixed: The publisher listed on the uninstall dialog would be "J. River, Inc." instead of "JRiver, Inc.".
2. Fixed: Double-click in an empty area of the Recording Rules list would crash.
3. Fixed: Further problems with the Noire skin on Windows 7.
4. Fixed: Search Window magnifying glass icon was offset too far to the right on scaled displays.

21.0.21 (11/14/2015)

1. Changed: The splitter in Playing Now is now zone specific so that having two Playing Now views open will allow independent setting of the splitter.
2. Fixed: The skin's close/maximize/restore/minimize buttons were offset to the right in popup windows (off the edge of the window).
3. NEW: MC will create dummy programs to fill in gaps in the programming guide data.  Now all active channels will show up in Theater view even if they have no EPG data.
4. Changed: More cancel checking in DLNA threads to hopefully prevent hangs, crashes from hard killed threads.

21.0.20 (11/13/2015)

1. Fixed: The Library/GetStats function in MCWS was returning an error code (even though the results were there).
2. Changed: Program IDs and Series IDs (if available) are saved in new fields "Program ID" and "Series ID" when importing EPG guide data.
3. Fixed: In recent builds newly recorded television sports shows did not show up under Video / Shows / Recent in Theater view, instead they appeared in Video / Other / Recent.
4. Changed: Consolidated and renamed video conversion profile listings (they are now consistently named in all areas where they are used).
5. Changed: Adjusted the way searches are handled to improve the results.
6. Fixed: Searching for users in a smartlist wasn't working.
7. NEW: Option to use the DVD episode order when doing manual Get Movie & TV Info lookup for TV Shows.
8. Changed: Updated Slovak translation (thanks Peter Lukac).
9. Fixed: When using PercData as EPG source, all programs scheduled for midnight UTC time were missing.
10. Fixed: DSP Studio > Output Format wouldn't save the sample rates properly when running with a translation.
11. NEW: Theater view television guide grid is color-coded according to show categories.  The following types are colored: Movies (of all genres), Educational, Children, Sports, News.
12. Changed: Made the minimum size of DSP Studio a little smaller.
13. Changed: The Action Window timer for starting an import only runs if the frame is visible (so minimizing the program will yield the run).
14. Fixed: Thumbnail lists could have a wrong size for the ideal aspect ratio.
15. Changed: Toned down the speed and number of blinks of the Action Window so it now blinks twice and stops.
16. Changed: When entering Theater view television guide, MC always selects the currently playing program (if any).
17. Changed: Updated French translation (thanks p.v.).
18. NEW: Television guide grid in Theater view is updated every half hour.
19. NEW: Added an MCC command MCC_SET_ZONE_VISIBLE (22033) to show the current zone in standard view.
20. Fixed: DLNA code was crashing when a problem device on the network was causing our Accept call to hang, it wasn't getting canceled so thread was hard killed leading to crashes.
21. Fixed: There was a memory leak in the socket code (all platforms).
22. Changed: Socket error messages in the log are now readable strings (windows) and implemented the error codes (linux, mac).

21.0.19 (10/30/2015)

1. Changed: When TV tuner failure occurs MC will not show a popup since an OSD message is already displayed.  A popup could interfere with attempt to restart the playback.
2. Changed: Holding Ctrl while clicking pane tag checkboxes will enter "list" mode so that you can select multiple genres, etc.
3. Changed: Added "is not" operator for editing TV recording rules involving "Name", "Series", and "Description".
4. Changed: "Modify Rules" is renamed "Edit Rules" on TV subscription wizard page.
5. Fixed: Edit controls in read-only mode allowed backspace to delete characters.
6. Changed: Added text instruction on TV recording rules editing window, regarding AND and OR operations on rules.
7. NEW: Editing a checkbox type field in the new Tag Action Window will show a checkbox instead of a dropbox.
8. Changed: Editing a checkbox type field in Pane tagging is now possible.
9. Changed: Opening the new Tag Action Window with shift held will then always open the new tag window after that (just press shift again to switch back).
10. Changed: Updated Italian translation file (thanks Matteo).
11. Fixed: Flickering screen on the edges when playing video on certain computers in Red October Standard, in build 18.
12. Changed: Improved duplication avoidance when dealing with subscription television recording rules with "all channels" option.
13. Fixed: WebGizmo did not work in recent builds.
14. Fixed: Video transcoding profiles which used MP2 or MP3 audio did not function properly.

21.0.18 (10/26/2015)

1. Changed: When picking 'Convert Format' the Action Window page will blink to make it more obvious where the focus should be.
2. Fixed: Action Window pages weren't blinking properly.
3. NEW: Improved support for video seeking with DLNA renderers which do not support time-based seeking (ie. byte-seeking).
4. Changed: Allowing 'Concert' media sub types in the Get Movie & TV Info... tool.
5. Changed: Made the step size of the OSD when controlling color controls smaller.
6. Fixed: HEVC 10-bit hardware decoding is supported in Red October Standard on supported hardware.
7. Fixed: Image playback wasn't disabling the system from sleeping.
8. NEW: A new system for setting up television subscription recording.
9. Fixed: RAW images could have thumbnails that were rotated incorrectly (hopefully fixed, but feedback appreciated).
10. Changed: TV subscription recording rule name and program name are independent of each other and can be independently edited on the subscription wizard.
11. Changed: The "Channel" multiple-selection drop list for search based subscription on TV recording wizard now uses "selected items on top" style.
12. Changed: The XML files created by mc2xml will be deleted 24 hours after they are created, instead of waiting until MC restarts (but restarting MC will delete them too).
13. NEW: If a TV tuner fails to play a TV channel, MC will put it in an error state temporarily, and retry playing, so it will find another tuner for the job.
14. Fixed: Using the Move/Copy Fields tool on the Date field would end up with wacky values in the date (because it's actually a floating point number) instead of taking the value and interpreting it as a date.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 21.0.26 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2015, 02:52:25 pm »

Not sure if this is a bug, but transparency isn't being maintained on channel logos.  Is that by design?


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Re: Media Center 21.0.26 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2015, 10:37:11 pm »

21.0.26 stops while importing new media and gives a error message, and closes MediaCenter on windows 10 Pro.
So I cant use Mediacenter anymore. I'm going back to the previous version.


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Re: Media Center 21.0.26 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2015, 04:42:19 am »

Running W7 Home. 21.0.26 consistently crashes after 1-2 minutes.


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Re: Media Center 21.0.26 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2015, 05:27:31 am »

always crashes very soon at startup.

it's back to previous version for me.

(W10 pro)


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Re: Media Center 21.0.26 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2015, 05:52:25 am »

If you're having a crash, could you provide a log from Help > Logging?  Thanks.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 21.0.26 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2015, 06:52:00 am »

always crashes very soon at startup.

it's back to previous version for me.

(W10 pro)
I'll move this to a new thread.  Are you using antivirus software?  It could easily cause problems with one version, but not another.


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Re: Media Center 21.0.26 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2015, 01:47:30 pm »

Crashes for me on guide navigation and auto import... who needs the log file?


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Re: Media Center 21.0.26 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2015, 02:20:16 pm »

If you're having a crash, could you provide a log from Help > Logging?  Thanks.

I've noticed you pulled this build.
I'm not able to reinstall it to test it.
Well, if you pulled it, I guess you are already working on it.


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Re: Media Center 21.0.26 for Windows -- Available here
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2015, 04:34:20 am »

MC 21.0.26 tags files as it rips them as Track 1, Unknown Artist, Unknown Album, for every track. It names the file names correctly by honoring how they're set up in options. I have to go in to 'File Properties From Filename (F12)' after I locate the tracks in the 'Unknown Artist' folder in the tree view. I'm ripping to FLAC using Windows 10, and this has done this even after rebooting.
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