A few answers...
I turned off the firewall and that didn't do anything. I put in an authentication code, and that didn't do anything. I was never asked for an access code, and I was wondering if that is the problem.
When accessing MCWS on the local host, authentication is not required, and the windows firewall won't block those attempts. The links used in the self-documenting web pages all point at localhost, so no authentication is required. A very over-active third-party firewall or security application could block functionality though, and you would probably be best served by setting it to "trust" MC and its processes through whatever means the application provides.
Also, in regards to the Access Code: This is not a security feature. The access code is simply a mechanism provided by JRiver that allows users to lookup and connect to their servers without needing to understand (very well) how IP addresses work and to deal with dynamic IPs changing. All it does is:
1. When MC runs, it registers the server's current IP addresses (public and internal, as needed) with JRiver's servers as belonging to that particular Access Key.
2. When a client tries to connect to the server, it can use the access key, which will then ask JRiver's servers where it last saw this particular server. After which, the client connects directly via IP address.
Once you're connected to the server (and seeing the documentation means you are connected), it isn't needed. You already
have the address.
On many other 'Click Here' Info Links I would start the first album in the Player Library, and not get the information (Play> File Name, Play Advanced, Files>Search, Playlist...). On other 'Click Here' Info Links I would get back "This Web Page Could Not Be Displayed", with a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error ( Playlist>files, connect, File>Get File...).
The examples given in the documentation aren't intended to be used directly (by clicking on the links). It is showing you how to craft the URL that you use to get the information back you need, or perform the operation you need. So, as an example, the link example for Link Zones is:
http://localhost:10630/MCWS/v1/Playback/LinkZones?Zone1=-1&ZoneType1=ID&Zone2=-1&ZoneType2=IDThis will link the currently active Zone (ID -1) to the zone with ID 2. But, if you don't
have a zone called ID 2, then it'll fail. They're designed to be looked at, generally, not directly
Most of the Playlist manipulation tool examples are pointed at the current playlist, but some (the more dangerous ones, typically) don't have any Playlist ID included, and are likely to fail.
I don't know that I've seen any 500 errors, though. So you should perhaps explain exactly what link you clicked on and what